The Marauders and Me

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Disclaimer: I own only what I created all other credit goes to the awesome JK Rowling!

The Marauders and Me

The story goes that there were four Marauders: James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew. They were all animagi except, Remus who was a werewolf.

They were all best friends and attended Hogwarts together.

Then there was me. I was there with them through it all, maybe not at first, but still. I was the one and only girl marauder, or the secret maraudette. I was the shy one, the one who was barely noticed. I wasn't an animagus, but I was something else. I wasn't exactly human. I went to Hogwarts too, and I was friends with the Marauders. Best friends with one of them.

But my story was not told, I was never mentioned. My name was not spoken once when Harry Potter was told the Marauders' story. The 5th Marauder was, it seemed, forgotten. But it was more likely that my story was just too painful for it to be told. So I was lied about, but I know it was out if love. He loved me so much that it hurt him to think about me. If there is one thing that I believe it is love. My mother did what she did out if love.

Like the words spoken from Professor Dumbledore's mouth, "Do not pity the dead. Pity the living, and above all, pity those who live without love."

I know I pity those who live without love. I was once one of those people, I've been there before. A life without love really sucks. Then I met the Marauder, my marauder. And he pulled me out of the depressing abyss I was falling down and made me the person I am today. He understood me, and I him.

Without those boys I wouldn't be the same. I'm glad I met them, especially him. I love those idiots. Still do and always will.

My name is Stella Frost and this is my story with the Marauders. This is the story of me finding out what I was.

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