Chapter 4

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That day couldn't have gone slower for Eva and Chris. They were both excited for their date that night. They wouldn't let anybody catch on what was going on between the two of them, wanting to keep it a secret until it started getting serious. They still flirted with each other but this time, it actually meant something between the two. The day was pretty quiet, only one patient during the time they were there and they dealt with that pretty quickly.

Eva hated days like this, they would always seem to drag on forever, and today was the worst. Having something to look forward to just made the day drag on even more. She was curled up on a chair in the break room, with a book in her hand, staring at the clock willing it to go faster.
"Didn't you ever hear that saying, a watched clock never ticks" Serena laughed as she walked into the room. Eva sniggered and rolled her eyes at her younger friend.
"Important date or something tonight?" the blonde teased her brunette friend. Eva's eyes widened but didn't let Serena see
"No, I just hate days like this, they seem to just drag on, it's so boring really" Serena chuckled and agreed with her.

"What's up ladies" Chris walked into the room, joining Eva and Serena
"Oh hey cowboy" Eva smirked, looking away from her book to the blonde.
"Milady" He bowed and mocked tipping a hat in her direction, earing a giggle from her.
"We're just talking about how we wished the day would go faster because it's dragging on" Serena mentioned to Chris before grabbing an apple and took a bite, sitting down opposite Eva.
"Oh yeah. I get that. I can't wait to get out of this place tonight, today has been so boring" He replied sitting next to Serena and looking over at Eva.

"Whatcha reading Zambrano?" He asked, grabbing the book from Eva's hand, earning a glare from her.
"OOOOH Alice in Wonderland eh? awhhh you're such a nerd" He chuckled, ignoring the glare she sent him.
"Just because you haven't picked up a book since you were 12" She argued, sticking her tongue out at him.
"Ouch Zambrano, that hurt" He gasped, grabbing his chest in mock hurt "I'll get you back for that one!" He warned, giving her a look
"Mmmm...I'm sure you will" She replied, giving him a wink, making sure Serena wasn't paying attention to them. Luckily for them, she was too engrossed in her cell phone to notice the two's flirty banter. Unluckily for them, she was messaging Tuck and Proctor, telling them about her master plan for tonight.

To: Tuck, Proctor
Anyway, since I was interrupted earlier by our one patient, I didn't get time to tell you about my master plan for tonight. I suggest that we go along to the bar too but make sure that we're seated as far away from them as possible and just watch how their date goes. If it starts to go bad, we can jump in, stating that we just saw them to save their backs (but I doubt it's going to go wrong, they're both flirting in front of me right now, it's kinda awkward to be honest) Plus it means that we get the information before the others, we can start the gossip train and I want to win my bet!

She hit sent and looked up from her phone to see Eva reading her book again and Chris checking his phone. She sighed and looked at the clock, 5 hours left of their shift. She got up and excused herself, going to find Tuck or Proctor, they would definitely be more entertaining than the two lovebirds right now. After Serena left, Chris set his phone down.
"I'll leave you to your reading milady" He said as he started to get up
"No, it's okay, I've just finished anyway" She replied, smiling warmly at him. He sat back down and just made idle small talk until their pagers beeped once more.
"Finally, something to do" They both said in unison. They both looked at each other and burst out laughing. He helped her up and followed her out of the door to where the other 3 were waiting.

After that patient, another two came through, giving Chris and Eva something to do to help pass the time until their date. Proctor set them to working together to help save a small girl who was injured in a car crash. They both worked swiftly, knowing exactly what each other were doing. That's one of the reasons they would make such a great couple, they work so well together, they barely have to communicate, they know exactly what the other is going to do and what they need for it. Together they saved the little girl's life and got her a bed in ICU.

"Good job Cowboy" Eva said to Chris as they walked out of the door to dispose of their gloves and aprons.
"I was about to say the same to you Zambrano" He gave her a grin and she smiled at the blonde before turning to face Serena who was calling after her.
"Give me one second Chris, go get changed and meet me by my car" Eva said to him before walking over to Serena. She could feel him watching her and turned her head, catching his eye. She winked at him and gave him a smirk before giving Serena all her attention.

10 minutes later, Eva had gotten changed and walked out of the doors at the end of her shift, meeting Chris at her car.
"You know, If I had known that I was going on a date this morning, I would have packed a dress with me" She said jokingly. Chris turned to look at her, taking her hands
"Eva, you look perfect, stop worrying!" She offered him a shy smile and got in the car. Tonight was going to go perfectly.

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