Chapter 5

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Eva pulled up next to the Crab Shack and got out, but not before Chris tried to run around to her door and open it for her.
"I was trying to be a gentleman" He pouted and she chuckled, grabbing his hand and leading him to a secluded table. She ordered a coke, knowing that she was going to be driving home. She told Chris that he could order a beer if he wanted, but he ordered the same as her, stating that he didn't want her to feel left out. She felt a smile tugging at her lips and blushed, looking down.

He grabbed her hand from across the table and just smiled at her, taking a mouthful of his drink. This feels so right, she thought to herself. If someone told her a week ago that she would be on a date with Chris Deleo after she had tried to hide her feelings for so long, she would laugh in their face, and would probably slap them, depending on who it was. They were just making small talk when Chris starting leaning forward. Eva's breath hitched and she closed her eyes, waiting for his lips to meet hers, but when they didn't meet, she opened her eyes confused, and slightly disappointed.
"It seems like our friends from Alpha Team are spying on us" Chris whispered in her ear. That's why Serena had asked her earlier that morning if she had a date. Chris looked into Eva's eyes to see a mischievous glint.
"I've got an idea. My house is 10 minutes from here, meet me there, if you leave now, and I wait for a couple of minutes before leaving, we can act like the date went wrong and that it just wasn't meant to be. We can act colder to each other at work tomorrow, no flirting or banter, we'll hide it for a while and then come out to them, to serve them right for spying on us" She said maliciously.
"Eva Zambrano, I had no idea that you were such a trickster" Chris said with a grin

Meanwhile, Serena, Tuck and Proctor were sat at the bar, making sure that Eva and Chris couldn't see them. They saw Chris lean closer to Eva and Serena squealed
"They're gonna kiss!" She said to the other two. However, her excitement soon died down when she saw him give Eva an apologetic look, shaking her hand and walking out the door. Eva just sat there finishing her coke. They couldn't see her face but they knew that she would be upset. I guess the date didn't go as well as the three doctor's had thought. They were about to go over there and comfort Eva, when she got up, slamming a $5 bill on the table and strutting out the door. Leaving Serena, Tuck and Proctor staring at the door, with shocked looks upon their faces. They all looked at each other, waiting for someone to come up for an answer for what just happened but nobody had anything. After they had all finished their drinks, they split and went home, the failed date between Eva and Chris putting a damper on the evening.

Eva had pulled up to her house to see Chris waiting outside with a smirk on his face. He held up a finger to her, telling her to stay seated and he ran to her door and opened it for her, letting her out.
"What a gentleman" She chuckled.
"You're amazing, you know that" Chris blurted out, and Eva blushed, suddenly finding her shoes fascinating. He pulled her closer to him and leant in again, Eva closed her eyes and waited for the impact. This time, she wasn't disappointed. His lips were pressed firmly against hers in a short but sweet kiss. She felt fireworks explode but just as soon as it started, he pulled away.
"I'm sorry, I-I didn't know what overcame me" He apologised. Eva looked at him as if he were crazy. She shook her head and grabbed his shirt, pulling his lips to hers once again. That kiss lasted a lot longer. When they both had to come up for air, they broke apart. He smiled looking into her eyes.
"You're a pretty good kisser you know that?" He joked and she smirked.

She shivered slightly, only now realising how cold it was, she had forgotten to pick her coat up this morning. Chris noticed and ushered her in.
"Don't want you catching a cold now do we?" He told her. He sat down on her couch and she went to get two beers from the fridge.
"So what do you want to do now?" She asked him
"How about we watch a movie? What about Alice in Wonderland, I know how much you like it" He smiled at her, watching her eyes sparkle when he mentioned it. She bit her lip, trying to hide her grin, but failing miserably.
"Are you sure?" She asked him
"Yes! I know it's your favourite book, and film, plus you're cute when you're excited" She smiled at his comment and blushed again.
"Not to mention how bloody adorable you are when you're blushing" He leant down to peck her cheek and she smiled at how right this all felt.

They curled up together, watching the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland. Chris noticed Eva singing along to all the songs under her breath and it made him smile more. Eva was known as the sassy Cuban doctor at work, but underneath the smart-alec comments and witty banter, she really was an adorable little nerd. After Alice in Wonderland had finished, Chris had turned to her.
"I should probably get going, we have work in the morning" Eva nodded, but look disappointed.
"I would stay longer if I could, heck, I would stay the night is it wasn't for the fact that if I slept over, your evil genius plan wouldn't work" That brought a smile to her face.
"Okay, but I want a goodnight kiss!" She pouted, looking adorable. Within a second, Chris's lips were on hers in a sweet, yet passionate kiss. They broke apart, both a little dazed. Chris chuckled and grabbed his coat, bidding goodnight to Eva. Tomorrow would certainly be an interesting day.

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