Chapter 21

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*Jackson's POV*

I wake up to all of the girls sprawled out on the bed still sleeping and Aaron and I squished against the wall. Mainly me squished against the wall. I try to quietly get up but end up having to try and step over everyone and well everyone was now awake.

"Jackson did you really have to wake everyone up?" Nova groans.
"Did you really have to sleep in my bed last night?" I ask back and Nova just rolls her eyes at me.
"Okay well since we are up we might as well get some breakfast," Taylor says.
"Let's go to Starbucks," Tana suggests and without even answering everyone gets up.

We go out into the living room to see Kendall, Shawn, and James all sitting there talking.
"Hey wanna come get some Starbucks with us?" I ask them and they all nod and come too.

We all get our breakfast and our coffee and then go back to my apartment to eat and hangout for a bit. After a few hours only Loren, Nova, and Tana were left with Aaron and I.
"Hey guys it has been fun but Aaron and I are going to go look at a few houses in an hour and you are welcome to stay here but just to let you know we are leaving soon," I say as I walk into my bedroom to get dressed and ready. About a half an hour later the girls decide to leave and go to the mall, finally leaving Aaron and I alone.
"Not to sound rude, but I have been waiting for them to leave," says Aaron as he walks up to me and kisses me.
"I wish we had time for this," I say, resting my forehead on Aaron's.
"I know. We should probably get going," Aaron says, giving me one last peck on the lips.

We go down to my car and drive to the first house where the realtor was waiting.

"Hello, I am Carla," the realtor says, shaking our hands.
"I'm Jackson," I say with a smile.
"And I am Aaron," Aaron says politely.
"Nice to meet you. This first house that you will be looking at is a gorgeous, 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, home with a wrap around porch and an in ground swimming pool and hot tub out back. Please follow me," Carla says with a smile and leading us into the large open home.

A few houses later and we are sitting in a coffee shop discussing our options.

"I really liked the second one we looked at. Not only is there enough room for friends that usually come over but enough room for a family," Aaron says as he looks over and smiles at me.
"That would be a good option but if we go with the third one it is also in a safer neighborhood with less busy streets," I argue.
"That is true but that one doesn't have a pool. Plus, that one is farther away from all of our friends and places we may want to go," Aaron argues back.
"Okay you're right. I think the second one is our best option. It does have a pool, sadly not a hot tub, but it does have a pool and before I go any further we can agree that we don't want the first one correct?" I state.
"Correct," Aaron answers.
"Are we dead set on the second one then?" I ask.
"I think at this point it is our best option," Aaron states.
"Alright so the second one it is," I say to Carla with a smile.
"Sounds good, can we meet tomorrow at my office to fill out the paperwork?" she asks.
"Sure," Aaron and I say at the same time.
"Alright, see you then," Carla says as she stands up and leaves.
A few minutes later we get in my car and go back to my apartment.

"We just decided on our first house," I say shocked.
"We did," Aaron says as he comes up and kisses me.


This chapter is so short and I am so sorry I am just so exausted and just know I love you guys so much. I'm not going to go back and check for misspellings because I'm just so tired that I will most likely will miss them anyway.


Okay so Nicole posted on Snapchat a pic or video of Jackson and Aaron and it looked like Jackson was sitting on Aaron's lap but I'm not exactly sure because it could just be the angle Jackson is sitting at.

Also Nicole apparently went live and someone asked "Are Jackson and Aaron dating?" And she said something along the lines of "I don't know I think so" and I SCREAMED IM SO HAPPY. LIKE I TOLD Y'ALL THEY WERE GETTING BACK TOGETHER.

This is not hate against them and I dont what any drama I'm just happy about them MAYBE getting back together.


Love you all. Comment suggestions if you want. Also vote of you want. Love you❤❤❤

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