Psycho love -Chapter three-

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Alikk's P.O.V

I don't understand why Angel hates Abby so much, she did nothing wrong. He's been in and out of pshyc wards all his life, if he has problems with Abby maybe he should figure out his own problems first. Dad going to jail only made him worse, he never really cared about mom, it's always been dad this dad that it's tiring. I hope Abby is okay, the last I heard of her was at the park, well besides me reading Angel text. She sent him a text saying she needed to talk, I don't think she really cared which one of us really came. He threatened to kill me if I followed behind and tried to save her, or if I try to ruin his 'plan'. One way or another I'm saving her and I don't care if he kills me or not. I don't know how I will save her, all I know is I need to at least try. I thought about getting the cops involved but I cant, he always finds a way out of it.

He's been at Abby's since three O'clock, I'm scared for her. Angel knows EVERYTHING about Abby, he's been stalking her for almost five years now. Everytime I tried to stop him, he would beat me until I had to go to the hospital. I've died six times through out my life because of him. He stabbed me with a screw driver in my neck when we were ten years old. My heart stopped for five minutes, the doctor said it was a miricle I lived. I wish he would understand that it's not Abby's fault dad went to prison, it's his and the sooner he realizes that the sooner I can save Abby. I hate Angel and his selfish way of thinking, maybe I should just kill him while he sleeps. At least Abby would be safe, I don't care if I went to jail or not the world would be better off with Angel dead. I looked at my watch which read 12:00 A.M, he cant still be at Abby's house her brother is bound to be home by now, he wouldn't kill her right now he wants her to suffer before she dies. At first I thought it was only a crush but; as time passed he became obsessed with her, he keeps photos of her all over his walls. He even hacked into the hospital files so he could learn about all of her, her allergies, if she has been deathly ill. He found out she has Aids and has decided to use that against her.

I would show his plan book to the police but he put my name on it instead of his. He does this, he uses me to get out of trouble. If I went to jail, who would save Abby? My phone interuppted my deep thought; it's Angel, If he hurt her I'll kill him.

"What's up?" I asked with a sigh, I really hate talking to him, I hate him all together.

"I'm staying at a hotel; therefore I wont be home tonight" he said,there's something in his voice; somethings wrong.

"What did you do Angel?" I asked, he's done something; if he hurts Abby i'll-.

"Nothing, I wouldn't hurt her" there was a pause "Yet" Angel finished, I'll kill him if he lays one hand on her.

"Don't you dare hurt her Angel!" I yelled, my voice ecoing through the phone.

"Which one?" before I could say anything Angel continued "You never cared for dad as much as me, you'll never understand that her and everyone in my way deserves everything I do to them" he finished.

"Wait Angel what do you mean which one?" I heard a beep "Angel?" a buzzing sound filled the speaker "Damn" I hissed, I closed to phone and throw it on the couch. With a sigh I picked my phone back up, luckily I put all of Angels contacts in my phone without him knowing. I'll text Roy to let him know to get home and fast, he needs to be there for his sister; while I figure out what Angel did tonight.

To: Roy

Message: Go home to Abby, she might be in danger.

I waited and waited until finally I got a reply from Roy.

From: Roy

Message: Who is this?

My eyes widened in disbelief, he's more worried about who I am than his sister being in danger?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2012 ⏰

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