49 [it's not good]

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TW cast with Michelle, Harvey, Phoebe, Matthew and Sebastian

Where's Drea? I haven't seen her all day???

Yeah, Jeff didn't know either. Tyler?

She hasn't been getting back to my calls. I'm really worried

That's not like Drea. Something mustn't be right

Shit, you've all got me scared now

Change of chat

Tyler, get to the hospital

What? Why? What happened?

You need to get here

Is Andrea okay?
What's happening?

It's not good
It's really, really not good


TYLER ran as quick as he could when he parked his car at the hospital. His hands were shaking; he was panicking. Sebastian's vague texts had him worried sick.

He saw Sebastian as the end of a corridor and ran down to him, not noticing Sebastian's solemn expression.

"Thank god! What's-" Tyler said, but stopped when Sebastian nodded at the hospital room Tyler then looked into. And his heart broke.

Andrea was on the floor, sitting against a wall, a tear dripping down her face. She looked so broken, so hurt, no actor or actress could ever pull it off. Harvey was in a chair, clearly trying so hard not to cry.

Michelle was with their mother, holding hands at the bed, where Evan, their father and husband, lay, his breathing shallow.

"Oh no," Tyler murmured, and Sebastian nodded, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I think we need to give them some time," Sebastian said, leading Tyler into a coffee room, "but I know Andrea needs you."

Tyler sat down, speechless.

"Wh-how- what?" Tyler stuttered, and Sebastian sighed.

"She called me in a panic, knowing I wasn't too far away. The hospital had called her, and she was panicking, couldn't drive her car or anything. I took her here, and she hasn't said a word since," Sebastian said, shaking his head.

"How long...?" Tyler said, looking at Sebastian.

"Today," Sebastian said, and Tyler ran his jams through his hair.

"I should tell the others," Tyler said.

"I texted them after you," Sebastian intervened, "Phoebe, Colton, Matt and Crystal are on their way. I only wanted Andrea's closet friends here, not that the rest aren't important."

"No no, I get it," Tyler said, "so now we just wait?" He was frustrated; he wanted to be in there, with Andrea. He didn't want her going through this alone, but he had to think about what's best for her.

A nurse walked in, and Sebastian seemed to perk up a bit, noticing her, but she sadly smiled and shook her head.

"Shit," he murmured, sprinting out of the cafeteria and down the hall, Tyler hot on his heels. Sebastian stopped and Tyler nearly ran into him when they reached the door.

"My little girls," Evan wheezed, "and my man. And my girl."

Harvey and Andrea were now on one side of the bed while Michelle and Denise hadn't moved.

"Dad," Andrea's croaky voice said, making Tyler's heart ache, "please."

"I love you all so much," he said, and Andrea bit her lip as more tears flowed down her face.

"I'm so proud of you all. Harvey, with your the business, Michelle with your music, and Andrea with your acting. And Denise, with raising the three of them," he said, making them all laugh painfully.

"I couldn't of done it without you," Denise said, and Evan laughed a little, his eyes shutting a little.

"Dad no," Andrea sobbed, "you can't leave. I need you. We all need you. You have to see us grow up, get married. You have to see us have kids, you can't leave."

"I don't have a choice, Drea baby," Evan said, and Andrea sobbed, and turned into her brothers shoulder.

And then the silence came.

Andrea's sobs got louder as Harvey held her, letting out a sob of his own, and Denise and Michelle cried into each other.

Tyler shook his head, seeing Sebastian had let a tear loose too. At that moment, Matt, Phoebe, Crystal and Colton all ran in in a flurry, their faces dropping when they saw the scene in front of them, taking seats outside the room.

After a few minutes, Michelle came out and everyone sat up, but her bloodshot eyes landed on Tyler.

"I need you to take Andrea back to your place," she said, trembling slightly, "because I'm afraid for her to be on her own, but I want her to have a night to herself before she has to come back to Mom's."

Tyler nodded instantly.

"Of course," he said, and Michelle nodded, smiling slightly, and Colton stood up, pulling her into a hug.

At that moment, Denise came out, giving the crew a small smile before going over to Michelle. Harvey and Andrea came out after, and Andrea was clutching onto her brothers arm. Her eyes raised to see all her friends, and Tyler stood from his chair, slowly approaching Andrea.

"You didn't all need to come," Andrea said, sounding like she hadn't talking in years.

"We wanted to," Colton said.

"We all love you, Drea, and we want I be here for you," Matt said, and she smiled weakly, her eyes trailing to Tyler.

"Hey," he said softly, his arms outstretching to her tenderly.

"Ty, I would've called you first, but Sebastian was on speed dial and I just-" she said, but was cut off by a sob, and Tyler took that opportune moment to grasp Andrea into a hug. She grasped onto the back of his top while she cried, and Michelle started to as well.

And all though everything was going wrong, Andrea felt comfort in Tyler's arms, his whispers in her ears reassuring her.

But in the end, the pain became too much.


I'm so damn sorry for this.

And let me tell you now, things are not gonna get any better.

This chapter took an entire day to write, mainly because I cried every two seconds.

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