Chapter 11

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"Hyung, I don't have the flu."

"Fuck Jungkook you're sucking out all the fun. We deserve this. We're tired kids who are worked like dogs for a future that we might not have or want. You wanted to be a fireman when you were just ten years old. After one year of studying calculus at age 11, you wanted to be an accountant. YOU STILL WANT TO BE AN ACCOUNTANT! Our dreams have disappeared, there's no time to rest. It's the same cycle of school, home or internet cafe, everyone lives the same life. Students are pressured to be number one living in between dreams and reality," Jimin said shaking his head. 

Yoongi joined in. 

"Who's the one who made you take that calculus class? Who's the on who made you into a studying machine?"

"Adults tell me this is the hardest moment of my life," Taehyung said thinking out loud to himself,"

"To endure a little more, to do deal with it later," Jungkook said being hypnotized. He started to think out loud to himself just as his boyfriend was doing beside him.

"Say no," Jimin whispered into his brother's ear. He had somehow snuck out of his seat and found his way behind Jungkook. "We can't deal with it later, Jungkook don't be trapped in somebody else's dream. It's now or never, we haven't done anything yet."

"A good house, a good car, will those things really bring happiness? Will our parents really be happy?" Namjoon asked half to himself half to the group. 

Jungkook's head was starting to hurt. Namjoon was really making him think. He put a hand on his head and breathed lightly. 

"That's enough Namjoon hyung we don't want him to hurt himself," 

"Just do it. We can't get caught trust me. That is if Yoongi planned it," Jin said while laughing at the mess that was unfolding before him. 

Yoongi nodded. 

"I planned it, but my love thought of the idea."

"Ok, I'll do it," Jungkook said suddenly. "I'll get the notes from Mr. Jiyoung and I'll go along with the plan," Jungkook said smiling while shaking his head. "You're crazy,"

"Ok," Jimin said ignoring his brother's last comment. He wasn't offended, but he knew that if he thought about how crazy it was he'd back out. Despite not skipping a grade like his little brother Jimin was as smart as Namjoon. "if we want to graduate then we cannot fail,"

Yoongi cleared his throat and sat up. 

"Let's begin,"


I finished :D the updates are short but whatever. that's life. I'm sorry I wasn't around for a while. I'll update again on the weekend or something. sorry for not giving you guys updates every 7 days like a functional account would XD

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