Chuuya: Tell them about the birds and the bees.Dazai *to their children*: They're disappearing at an alarming rate.
⋄◊ Soukoku Textposts ◊⋄
Random⋄◊⋄◊⋄◊⋄◊⋄ Textposts from Tumblr because Soukoku is OTPPPPPP ⋄◊⋄◊⋄◊⋄◊⋄ Some of these are 100% original, but I consider memes to be public domain, so feel free to take them. That being said, if you consider some of these not being free to use, inform...
Chuuya: Tell them about the birds and the bees.Dazai *to their children*: They're disappearing at an alarming rate.