The sleepover

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It was around 5:30 when Avery got here. I introduced her to Julie and they instantly hit it off, which is good there does not need to be tension to kill my vibe.

While Avery was upstairs taking a shower Julie and I started on dinner. Which was actually corn dogs, French fries, and three bowls of ice cream. Aren't we some healthy hippos.
"Hey Julie, do you think I should make popcorn?" I yelled to her.
"Ummm.... yeah and add extra butter!" She responded after taking a moment to think. So I proceeded to take the kernels and put them into the popcorn maker.
Breaking me out of my train of thought I heard the doorbell ring. I walked over to the door and looked through the peep hole to see who it was. It was Jonah! I quickly opened the door,
Almost hitting my head. Ouch that would have hurt!
"Hey, I didn't expect you to come over." I greeted Jonah.
"Yeah sorry to show up without calling first but, I just really missed you and wanted to see you." He smiled. I blushed at his response, which made him smile even bigger.
"That's the sweetest thing Ive heard all day."
"I'm glad I'm the one who makes you blush." He said beaming with joy. I swear he such a cutie pootie. He could honestly light up and room with that gorgeous smile.
I'm smiled back at him for a moment before I realized I hadn't invited him inside yet. "You can come on in." I quickly stated stepping out from in front of the doorway allowing him room you come through.
I lead us back into the kitchen where the popcorn was calling my name. And being the nice person and good girlfriend that I am I offered some to Jonah.
"Would like some popcorn?"
"Sure!" He replied taking the whole popcorn bowl and walking into the living room where Julie and Avery had already started watching supernatural. I'm pretty sure Julie and me are hitting it off, at least I hope so. I would hate it if my boyfriends sister didn't like me. But back to reality, they had started without me! How dare they.  I quickly sat down beside Jonah and turned my full attention to the tv. It's a good thing they only had just started.

4 hours later we were all tved out. And since it was late Jonah was just going to stay over, of course he had insisted he sleep with me so I'm nervous. What if i hog the blanket or snore, or even worse fart in my sleep. Oh sweet pork fried rice I need to quick over thinking things.
After I had changed into sweat pants and a t- shirt and brush my teeth I joined Jonah in my bed.
Now these are the times I'm glad I live by myself.
"Your so adorable." Jonah randomly commented. And me being the sarcastic person I am replied with....
"Awww shucks, finally someone besides my mirror realized this!" I said laughing. And Jonah was laughing with me to.
After our laughing fit was over Jonah look at me with this in readable look. Suddenly Jonah pressed his lips against mine. Stunned at his sudden action, it took me a moment to start kissing him back.
Now I know we are alone, in my room, in my bed, making out but I would never let thing go to far and Jonah knows the limits.
We parted in desperate need of air. Breathing heavily Jonah told me goodnight. And whispered something I couldn't make out. Though I was curious as to what he had said I didn't question it, instead I just responded with a simple goodnight and turned off my lamp and waited for sleep to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2017 ⏰

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