Chapter 3

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After she told me that she was unsure about who was the one who tried to steal her purse, someone knocked on the door.

Mum and I looked at each other as if wondering who could be. We weren't expecting any visit at all.

"I got it" I said and got up to head towards the door. Once there I turned again to see mum and she nodded telling me to go ahead.

I turned the knob and saw a blonde guy standing in front of me, smiling warmly at me.

I suppose he understood my facial expression because he chuckled.

"Sorry, my name's Niall. I have.. Well I’ve just moved right next to you with my family" I took a step outside to take a look of the house. I didn't even remember seeing a poster saying "on sale or rent".

"Oh" it's all i said. I hated being that shy around guys, in fact I was shy around everyone.

"And your name is?" He asked.

"Mine? Oh.. I-I'm Tyler." And then he kissed me in the cheek. I flushed and instantly felt my cheek really hot. I could have fainted right there.

"Nice to meet you Tyler, well, if you ever need something you know where you have to knock."

"Sure." I weakly smiled at him trying to hide the awkwardness. "Thank you and the same I could say, if you ever need something, you know." My mum said unexpectedly from behind.

"Oh, miss...?"

"Call me Angela."

"Well, good night Tyler and Angela. Nice to meet you both."

"Any time" my mum said. I wanted to slap myself, I felt so embarrassed. I couldn't understand how could I be that shy and awkward around everyone and my mum be the completely opposite. She never shut up. And that kid Niall laughed probably noticing how ashamed I was. Then he left and I closed the door.

"Mum, I could have handle it by myself."

"Look how red you are sweetheart." And I placed my hands in each cheek noticing the hotness they gave off.

"That was.. Ugh" my mum laughed a little and so did I.

"The truth is that he was very handsome." My mum announced.


"I wouldn't matter if he was your boyfriend."


"Just saying..." She laughed once more even though this time I didn't follow her.

"You know, I'm going to sleep, I'm exhausted. Emily took me to the mall after work and I don't even think I can be awake for any longer."

"Oh, Emily, that girl is pure cuteness, bring her sometime and we could have dinner the three of us." She said very excited. If she only knew...

"Yeah, I'll tell her.." I lied. No way in hell I was going to invite her. I had more than enough seeing her every day.


I was already walking to work. Today I ensured myself that I wouldn't arrive late. When I arrived everything seemed a little bit off. It was as if... Something or someone was missing. Then everything clicked.

Emily was missing.

"Good morning sir."

"Hi Tyler." I smiled, faking it, as always.

"Tyler, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Of course sir, what is it?"

"My daughter got sick and she won't be working here for a while. In fact I'm looking for someone who takes her place because I don't know how much it will take her to recover."

"Oh" I said and then I nodded.

"If you know someone who's looking for a job, let them know."

"Okay sir"

"C'mon now let's get to work."

What could have possibly happened to Emily, yesterday she was perfectly fine. I frowned but then I dropped the subject.

Today work had been more exhausting than ever, I had to do Emily's work too so I hoped that Charles, my boss, finds that employee as soon as possible, either way I will end up dead of tiredness.

Emily didn't do that much of a work but sometimes she was a little bit useful.

Work was over and I was walking home when my phone started buzzing in my pocket and I took it rapidly.

It must be mum, or maybe Emily?

Just as I imagined, Emily.


"Tyler, it's me, Emily." I rolled my eyes at her words as if it wasn't obvious who it was.

"Hi Emily, are you okay?" I tried to be convincing about being worried about her.

"Yeah, yeah, I told my father that working in there made me feel depressed and well that I couldn't stand it any more. I looked at him with my best look and he bought it." I should have imagined it. She just had to say what she wanted and her father would give in. It always worked for her. Rich people were disgusting.

"Oh okay." Then I remembered, when I was told that she was sick I thought for a moment that there wouldn't be party whatsoever, but once again I was wrong.

“See you on Friday, that is to say... two days from now. I’m already planning the party because now I have more free time, you know..” she laughed hysterically as it was the funniest thing, and I didn’t even find it funny.

“See you on Friday, I gotta go Emily, bye!” and I hung up. Today I wasn’t on my mood to bear with her. It was the hardest, I mean, you had to focus to not punch her in the face. She was the most annoying human being in the planet.

Sometimes I felt pity for her, it was not her fault, it was her parents’ fault, if they had taught good manners to her she wouldn’t be the way she is.

As it was winter streets were already dark, and the only thing that lighted them a little were the lampposts.

I put my hands on my jacket's pockets and I hid my face on my scarf. It felt warm but nothing compared to the warm I felt at home so I quickened my pace and soon I realised I was in my street.

In the distance I could see some silhouettes near my house and when I approached I realised it was this kid... Niall, was it? yeah. He and his family were carrying boxes into the house, they were obviously finishing their moving.

I was staring him, he was kind of handsome and suddenly he turned his gaze and noticed me. I tried to disguise the fact that I was literally staring him blatantly but when I looked at him again, thinking he would be looking somewhere else, he was still staring at me. He smiled and winked at me. I flushed at his cheekiness and I waved awkwardly at him.

I opened the door and mum was already at home, I could hear her humming, as always.

Sometimes I wish I was not that shy around people, it is actually a serious problem. I still wonder how I got my job.


Okay guys, this is already chapter 3, we don't know if you like this story so we would like to ask you something. Then, the deal is: if you like the story you give us a vote or.. you leave us a comment.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2014 ⏰

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