Chapter 2

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Emily wasn't being nice, she took me to the mall and went to every single shop that you could find. And well I had to carry all her bags. I think I can say that my arms still feel a little bit sore. I can't believe it, she said that my outfit wasn't that bad after all and she only said it to make me feel a little bit better and convince me to go to the mall even though that she didn't even asked me, she dragged me there against my will. We spent all afternoon there and I really wanted to go back home as soon as I got out work.

I begged her thousand times that I wanted to go back home, but she always answered the same: “Another shop more and we’re finished”.

Then when she decided that she had finished we went to the parking lot and got into the car. It was very dark outside. During the drive we were very quiet and then just when I thought that she wouldn’t turn on the radio, she did, like if she was reading my mind and wanted to annoy me.

“Are you coming on Saturday right?” she said almost shouting because of the loud radio.

I shrugged my shoulders not telling her yes or no.

“Please?” today it had been the second time that she had been nice to me, even though it was just to her own benefit.

“I don’t think so, I have to help my mother...”

“Really?” she asked me not even letting me finish my sentence.

“Yeah” I lied.

“Tyler don’t lie to me, the party it’s at night”

“I know, but.. some friends of my mum are coming home, and I have to help her with dinner.” I wasn’t good at lying but today I was impressing myself. I could get used to it.

She looked at me suspiciously, not believing me but then she let out a breath.

“Okay so I guess we will have to postpone the party,” oh my God, really? I almost cry of happiness when I heard those words. I supposed that I had to lie to her more often.

“But is it okay for you If we do it on Friday? No friends, no dinners, right?”

“Oh” I said really disappointed, she never gave up. “Ye-yes... Friday is okay for me”

“Great,” she said clapping her hands as if she was a five years old girl when she is being told that are taking her to the fun fair. “Aren’t you excited? I know it’s gonna be the party of the year, everyone’s gonna remember it as ‘Emily’s party’”.

“Yeah, super excited” I faked a smile and I mentally slapped myself.

“Oh, by the way, is okay for you If I drive you to my dad’s shop, cause if I had to drive you to home it would take me too long.” my eyes widened, I wasn’t very fond of walking in the dark, she really had a very bad heart, and no feelings at all. She knew exactly how I felt about walking in the darkness yet she couldn’t care less.

“No... It’s okay.” I said knowing that anything could change her stupid mind and take me home.

“Fantastic” She had a devilish smirk plastered on her face. I hated it, she could have a kid’s mind and by a snap of your fingers be a bitch. It’s something very complicated to understand. I sighed and got out of the car.

I smashed the door closed and then the car disappeared. I looked around and suddenly goosebumps appeared all over my body.

The streets weren’t illuminated at all. There were poor lights here and there but most of them were broken and the rest flickered.

While I was walking down the street, looking both sides each step I took, I was thinking about all the eventful day I had because of Emily, but mostly her weird behaviour. I would say that she is acting really strange lately and I didn’t know what to think anymore. She could be all nice to me then snap and she was beingmean to me. I was lost in thought when I tripped over and lost my balance. I tried not to fall but I could not prevent it. As soon as I realised i was already on the floor and all of a sudden I heard someone chuckling behind me. To be more exactly, a manly voice.

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