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Entering the studio Mick wasn't at all surprised to see Lindsey was already there. He sat hunched over with an acoustic guitar over his lap, strumming some melody Mick wasn't familiar with. He knew Lindsey heard him coming in, but Mick received no form of acknowledgement. 

"Hey." Mick spoke, placing a hand on Lindsey's shoulder to get his attention. Lindsey just gave a sole nod of his head. "What are you working on? Haven't heard this one before."

Sighing, Lindsey shrugged. "I don't know. Just..."

"Okay." Mick frowned, moving to take a seat on the couch. He checked the time, seeing that they would probably be alone for another half an hour at least, Mick was contemplating if he should ask or not, because clearly Lindsey was in a foul mood and he wanted to know why. "Did something happen?" The care for his friend won. Instead of answering with words, Lindsey shook his head. Mick grew silent again. He opened his mouth to speak, but decided against it. 

Not much later, the door opened and in came a happy looking Christine, a smile on her face as she greeted Mick with a hug and walked over to Lindsey, who didn't bother getting up, muttering a barely audible hello. Chris raised an eyebrow, looking at Mick for answers, who didn't have any himself. 

"So, what are we working on today?" She wasn't about to sit quietly and allow Lindsey to dampen the mood for all of them. "Didn't you mention, Lindsey, that Stevie might be coming over?"

"No." He replied curtly, his jaw clenched. 

"Really? I could have sworn that-"

"She's not coming, dammit!" Lindsey yelled and his two bandmates instantly knew the reason behind his behavior. "She doesn't give a shit about this album or this band!" 

Mick's eyebrows creased and he couldn't keep silent. "No need to get mad, Lindsey. Like I've already said, I'd love Stevie to join us, but if it's not for her, then fine. She's got her own thing going on and she has every right to do whatever the hell she wants after dedicating so many years to Fleetwood Mac. I'm not mad at her for not being here right now, you shouldn't be either."

"What, are you fucking her again? Where's this sudden need to stand up for her coming from, huh?"

Mick just shook his head, used to Lindsey being irrational when things between him and Stevie weren't going so well. "That's uncalled for. Also, you know that's not true. She's a friend as are you, Lindsey. I would appreciate it if you didn't take out your frustration on us."

Taking a few deep breaths, Lindsey managed to calm down himself, knowing that no one was to blame besides him, yet he wasn't about to apologize either. Again, the room was completely silent and the tension in the air was thick. Christine was feeling uncomfortable and Mick was biting his tongue, keeping himself from saying something else that he really shouldn't, causing an even bigger argument.

"I can't do this." Lindsey said after some time. Standing up, he put his guitar away and grabbed his leather jacket, putting it on. 

"What? Where do you think you're going?" Mick asked, seeing Lindsey take steps towards the exit. "Lindsey!"

"I can't concentrate! I need to leave." He shouted back, swinging the door open. 

Christine turned her head from where Lindsey just was back to look at Mick, a little stunned. "What just happened?"

Sighing, Mick shrugged his shoulders. "Who knows. I guess, Stevie did or said something. I doubt they'll ever get it together."

"Lindsey's always been too sensitive when it comes to her. I'm sure whatever it was, it wasn't even that bad." Chris wondered aloud, not knowing any better.

Outside of the building, Lindsey was marching to his car. He was angry. It had been a couple of days since Stevie gave him the ultimatum and he wasn't able to think about anything else besides it. She had said similar things in the past, but she never seemed to be so sure about it like she did now. He could tell she meant it. He didn't want to, he couldn't lose her. The only way she would allow him back in was if he divorced Kristen. How would she take it? Was he ready to take this huge step? What about their kids? What about the life they had built together? It was far from perfect, but to quote Kristen, it was safe. Lindsey had always felt safe being married to her. He could never know for sure with Stevie. What if she realized that life together with him was not what she wanted after all? What if they constantly fought? What if she chose to go yet again? What then? He would be left with nothing.

Leaning his head against the steering wheel, Lindsey closed his eyes. He wasn't sure when was the last time he had experienced the feeling, but he felt tears stinging his eyes and he didn't fight them. He cried and he couldn't seem to stop himself. Never had he ever felt so lost before.

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