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Matt cursed as he fled the room with the cells.

One werewolf was no match for his kanima but then Scott had to show up.

That stupid, stupid werewolf who hadn't appreciated Allison, hadn't understood a word of his fury explanation.

‘That was the guy who stabbed his eyes out’

It made Matt want to stab his own eyes out. How the hell had Scott survived so long?

He probably had to rely on Stiles all the time.


Where was the human?

He had infuriated Matt with his sarcastic comment about snowmen.

Had utterly ruined the drama of the moment.

Where was he?

Matt reached out to Jackson and felt a memory of chasing, chasing Scott and Stiles to…

Matt turned around and smiled.

The human was right there, on the floor stretching towards his dad.

Stiles was probably the one who figured out it was Matt controlling Jackson, would probably be able to figure out what was wrong with his side.

Plus, no one would dare to attack Matt if he had a fragile, innocent human shield like Stiles.

Matt stalked over to the boy who sat behind him in history and hauled him up.

‘H-’ Matt plastered his hand over Stiles’ mouth to cut off his cry for help.

Matt dragged his half limp body out the fire exit and outside.

He was going to escape then guide Jackson to kill the rest of his murderers. His fury.

‘MMMPGHH’ protested Stiles, body twitching and Matt laughed.

Then suddenly he couldn't see. A bright light flared in front of him and Matt squinted his eyes to see.



Peter smirked as he stepped up onto the bridge by the Sheriff's station.

Gunfire and yells were coming from inside and smoke seeping out the windows.

Already he had a plan forming in his head to use this day to get his nephew to trust him again.

A light flared on to his left and Peter spun his head around to assess the situation.

Gerard was standing there facing the boy who had been controlling the kanima.

Was he going to kill him?

Oh, this would be good.

Peter stepped closer and noticed a feebly struggling body in the boy’s arms.

Suddenly, Peter recognised that obnoxious plaid and his eyes widened.

Gerard had the boy and the boy had Stiles.

Peter watched silently from the bridge.


Stiles gasped as his head hit the floor.

He recognised Gerard’s figure as he dragged Matt away.

Stiles couldn't help but smile at karma.

Then Gerard was pushing Matt underwater and Stiles gasped at the horror.

Matt was an evil guy but he didn't deserve this kind of torture.

‘STOP!’ yelled Stiles trying to drag his body closer like he had in the station.

Gerard turned and looked at him, still holding Matt down, as if noticing him for the first time.

‘Isn't this what he deserves, Stiles?’

Stiles resisted a shudder at the sadistic buzz of the man’s voice.

‘Nobody deserves that’ he spat.

Gerard didn't reply, engrossed in drowning Matt and Stiles cried out in frustration trying to get closer.

Where was Jackson when you needed him?

Gerard pushed Matt down further as Stiles gave one more effort to stop the Hunter from murdering him.

At that moment some feeling came back to his legs causing him to topple down the slope because of wrongly anticipated strength.

But it was too late.

Matt’s body was lifeless and still in the water.

‘How could you do that? ’ accused Stiles. ‘You don't hunt because they hunt you you hunt for sport’

Gerard turned to face Stiles, who was lying on the muddy bank.

‘Because monsters don't deserve to live’ Gerard’s eyes were gleaming sadistically and Stiles saw that he would have brought anyone, no matter their innocence, to a brutal death like Matt’s if they were unlike him.

Stiles stared at the man before him. ‘You're the real monster here.’

‘Are you allying yourself with him, after all he did?’ questioned Gerard with murderous intent and Stiles realised he was utterly at the man's mercy.

‘You hang around with werewolves like they're your friends, you helped Scott to see my granddaughter- you're just as bad as them’ Gerald’s voice was slowly rising.

Stiles tried to scramble away but the kanima venom was still in his veins and he couldn't get away before the hunter grabbed him.

‘I'll give your little pack a message they'll never forget. I'll tell Allison how you helped Matt attack me and how I had no choice.’

Stiles went to scream, or yell or something but then his head was underwater next to the dead body of his classmate.

‘Or maybe I'll tell then that Matt got to you before I arrived.’ continued Gerard as Stiles fought for a breath of fresh air, anything. ‘I can see it now: Stiles Stilinski, the poor little bit whose life was cut short.’

Stiles’ vision was starting to go foggy and tears squeezed out his eyes at the burning pain, adding to the body of water.

‘I'll murder your pack one by-’

Suddenly Gerard’s grip on him disappeared and Stiles was yanked out of the water.

He gasped for breath, filling his lungs with sweet, fresh air.

Stiles opened his eyes, expecting to see Scott or maybe Derek but was met with the sight of…



The moment Gerard had dunked Stiles underwater, Peter had sprung into action. He knew he was too weak to take on Gerard by himself but he had ran down towards the bank and spotted the kanima under the bridge.

Slowly, Peter had stepped forwards and reached out his hand to Jackson.


‘How the actual hell are you alive?!’ demanded Stiles, lungs aching in protest.

‘No thank you for saving my life?’ asked the former Alpha, an eyebrow raised cockily.

Stiles spun around to check what had happened to Gerard and was met with the sight of the hunter lying face down in the river next to Matt, a cut on the back of his neck and Jackson half shifted above him.

‘Oh no.’ said Stiles, turning his head back to his rescuer. ‘That means-’

‘That I'm the kanima’s new master.’ finished Peter with a smirk. ‘Such a clever boy.’

Hope you enjoyed..  Guess what episode I just watched..
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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2017 ⏰

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