My Brother

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Yes, I have a brother. And yes, I did say that I wouldn't be updating this for a while but I did  publish a chapter in my other story, right?

Right. My brother. He is a hippie. Not in the smoke-anything-that-isn't-moving sense, but more like the they're-intruding-on-our-civil-liberties sense. He's also planning to be a lawyer. Get the picture?

Said brother goes to WWU, in a special program called 'Fairhaven'. No, not that sort of special. Yes, that one. On the website it says, and I quote, "Fairhaven college is distinguished by small, seminar style courses; narrative evaluations instead of grades; close advising relationships with faculty; student-designed interdisciplinary degrees; opportunities for independent and international study.

In case you didn't get the overwhelming 'hippie' vibes, I'll go over those one by one.

'Small, seminar style courses'. Small groups means more likely that everyone in the room shares your views. Echo chamber, anyone?

'Narrative evaluations instead of grades'. Do I really need to say anything here?

'Close advising relationships with faculty'. Again, indicative of smaller populations.

'Student-designed interdisciplinary degrees'. According to my brother, that means that basically you can pick what you major in. This includes one student who majored in 'The Color Blue'. There's no book titled that, he just majored in blue.

'Opportunities for independent and international study'. This one is the reason why I'm writing this chapter.

You remember a while ago when the U.S. lifted sanctions on Cuba? WWU jumped at the opportunity to get rid of some of it's more annoying students for a while. So the sysadmin offered to pay to send them to Cuba.

Ol' hippie brother of mine signed up.

So now he's in Cuba.

He sent back a couple of texts.

Text #1 said, and I quote, "Still alive". That was it.

Text #2 said a number of things. To the best of my memory, it said: There is no homelessness in Cuba. Work is considered both a right and a duty. Cuba has one of the best healthcare systems in the world. On average, Cubans are highly educated.

This is my hippie brother. This is also my commie brother. To a socialist, Cuba comes very close to paradise. He's never coming home.

And now, for something completely different.

My sister wrote a book! It's called Weaken The Lock, and it's basically that there's a good reason the Tenth Doctor and Barty Crouch Jr. were both played by David Tenant. It's a very good book.

She also has a fanfiction site! Admittedly it took me a while to figure this out, but give me a break. I'm lazy. . I recommend copy-paste.

Unless something really important happens, I plan to be working on my King Arthur thing next.

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