part 4

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Jay opened the door and winced at what he saw.

Tim was a mess. His hair, disheveled and unkempt, fell over his forehead unevenly. He had a large bruise marking the right side of his face, and dark circles ringed his eyes. Clothes torn in several places, his face held a look of astonishment.

"Jesus...Jay what happened to you?"

Jay raised an eyebrow. He looked bad? He couldn't see himself looking any worse than Tim. Jay eyed the burlier man, black jacket recalling subtle memories. Tim stepped forward and brushed the hair from his eyes, motioning towards Jay's wounded limb.

"Your arm - there's no way that can feel good."

Jay cringed as he looked at it now - a jagged red line carving its way up the side of his right arm. Tim squinted, eyes on Jay's face now. He held up a hand, making Jay suddenly aware of how close they were to each other, and brushed a finger across Jay's jaw. Jay held his breath, eyes widening.

"This seems...familiar." Tim's tone dropped suddenly, eyes darkening. "Jay?"

Jay's mind stuttered and stopped. Tim stared, his eyes instantly reminding Jay of the endless dark pits of the mask - Tim's mask. Of course. God how could he have been so blind! It made sense - the missed phone calls, that irrevocable scent of oak and copper that seemed to cling to Tim's jacket. Trembling now, Jay backed away slowly.

"T-tim? No - you didn' aren't -"

You aren't the one wearing the mask...right?

You aren' you couldn't be...

Yet as much as Jay tried to push the accusation aside, fear still seeped into his mind. The fact that Tim could have been the one to do those things to him - as someone he had trusted - the thought was too cold. Jay's eyes began to widen.

Tim paled as he watched Jay take a quivering step back.

"You...hurt me?"

The words stung.

"No, Jay - fuck, I don't know! I can't remember anything clearly anymore!" Tim's eyes flashed wildly, desperately searching for an answer of his own. A nervous hand raked through his hair. He turned towards the camera-man, confusion turning into anger. "I mean look at me! I probably look just as bad as you. You know what it's like. Time just - passes! We don't even know what happens! I...I don't even feel like myself anymore!"

Tim was shaking now, and Jay felt a twinge of remorse. Perhaps he had been wrong.

"S-sorry, Tim. It's just that I've uh - I've been through a lot lately. It just doesn't really make sense that you know..."

"What?" Tim answered, voice rising slightly. "What did I do? Tell me Jay, because obviously I don't even know myself anymore!"

Jay flinched, the darkness in Tim's eyes churning at the same pulse as the hole in chest. He ached, chest heaving.

"If you were the one wearing that mask," started Jay unevenly. "Then yeah, you did this to me." Jay could see the bout of pain flash across Tim's face. "Y-you also..." Jay stopped, hesitant, debating whether or not he should confess.

A strange emotion flickered past Tim's eyes, and he took a step forward. Jay's insides fluttered.

"I did do something else, didn't I?" Tim's voice seemed to grow hoarser as he stepped in towards the quivering figure. "I can remember...something...what did I do?"

Jay backed up again, bending away from the darkness in Tim's eyes, feeling the backs of his knees hit the bed. Jay's heart was racing, knowing if he didn't stop this - if he didn't make a move - the events of the night before could repeat themselves. With knees flush to the side of the bed, Jay stretched out his arms and flexed his fingers.

"T-tim uh...Tim come on look at what you're doing!"

Tim's eyes flickered, a hand moving towards Jay's stomach.

"This isn't you Tim! Th-this isn't you!"

Tim's hand froze centimeters from Jay's chest. The dark look in his eyes washed away and was replaced by an agonizing expression Jay could not find words for. Withdrawing his hand, Tim quickly stepped back, clutching his shirt as though it were prone to falling apart.

"-sorry. Jay I'm so sorry. I didn't know - I didn't mean to -" Tim backed up to the still open door, body brushing against the whitewashed walls. He cast his eyes downwards with hurt remorse. "D-damnit..."

Jay had fallen back on his bed, and opened his mouth. No words came out.

" me if you really need help. Otherwise..." Tim's face displayed an utterly shattered look. Just as he was about to turn away, Jay jolted upright on the bed. Something in Jay's mind was telling him not to let Tim go, despite the risks. Something in his chest was begging Tim to stay.

"Uh, T-tim!" Blurted Jay.

Tim turned around, casting sad eyes upon Jay, who drank them in slowly.

"I...uh...just be careful I guess."

A knowing look fluttered onto Tim's face, and he nodded slowly. He exited the room without another word.

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