V. Intermission

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As soon as I got back with Needle Man and the energy element, I was greeted by Rush pouncing on me and licking my face. "Down boy. Down. I fine."

"Rock, your back!" said Dr. Light.

"I came back to recharge. And to drop off Needle Man."

"Well. Good. We haven't been able to pinpoint the other Robot Masters. It's like they've disappeared," said Dr. Wily. And I need to think of a plan B, just in case. Hopefully I can get 'Break Man' to destroy the Mega Brat after all the Robot Masters are defeated.

"Jewel Man to Light Labs. Come in. Do you copy?"

"We copy, Jewel Man."

"Good. I found Spark Man at the mining operations on the second mining location."

Before anything else was said I ran to the teleporter.

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