Diary of a Fangirl

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February 16th, 2017

Dearrrrr Diary,

What's this? I actually updated? Well HELLO America!

Ok, lets review what's happened in the past weeks:

I turned 14, I still feel 8.

Beyoncé is having twins!

Twenty Øne Pilots got a Grammy award!

My mom JUST lost her job yesterday....( i'll explain that later)

Trump is our official president....mother of Mexicans..

I'm gonna be Austin's neighbor (also will explain dat)


i'm actually active on Wattpad again 😂

But my mom did, however, got fired.

The people have a grandson named Sebastian, who was my little buddy, and he said that I hit him with a book in the head.

I've never hit a human in my life, let alone a 3 year old.

They believe him over me and my mom! Ask anyone in my town, they know I would hit anyone!

And so I wasn't allowed to go over anymore, and I was ok with that.

But my mom went to the Circle-K
last night, and the lady's son was there and then hell mostly happened.

It happened calmly, but I cried so much last night, I couldn't go to school. I've missed 3 days now, and I feel awful.

I do have good news, though! I'm not that depressing...

I'm going to be Austin's neighbor!

There are apartments that are right in front of his house, and me and my mom got Apartment 2, which I can walk to his house in just 10 steps 😂

When I told him, he just dabbed.

That's excitement in my book!

Ok gonna read whatever. 

Biddity BOBBITY booooo,

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