#1 Contest

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Hello everyone!

Here at Project Self Esteem we have teamed up with freementalillness nomorescars and, _Equalism_ to do our first short story contest.


"What if I fall?"
Oh, but my darling
What if you fly?

Recovery! The theme for our first contest is recovery, or overcoming something in life. It can be around any time of the year, around any holiday, as long as it has to do with recovering or overcoming things.


1.) This is a short story contest so the short story can be up to, but no more than, 5 chapters.

2.) Make sure to tag us in the last chapter/last words so we can check out the book.

3.) Stick to the theme!

4.) Use the hashtag #PSEContest1 or #psecontest1 to your book so we can get to it easily.

5.) Comment on this chapter the title of your contest entry!

🌸 DUE 🌸

You have until the 31st of March to complete your short story, tag us/add the hashtag, and to have it added to our reading list: Contest #1.


1st Place

- A shout-out.
- A comment about your book on a book of your choice.
- Different amount of votes on a book of your choice.
- A shout-out of a book of your choice.
- A chapter dedicated to you.

2nd Place

- A shout-out
- A comment about your book on a book of your choice.
- 5 votes on a book of your choice.

3rd Place

- A shout-out.
- 5 votes on a book of your choice.

🌸 Honorable mentions will go to the top 10 contest entries 🌸

May the odds be ever in your favor. ;)

Check back for any updates or add-ons. Thank you.

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