seven | luca

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  Three loud bongs of the church bell woke Briar Rose from her peaceful slumber that she wasn't even aware that she had taken. A jolt of surprise struck her when she realized what the bell had symbolized. The beast had been sighted, he was on a hunt and a hunt for someone no doubt; that was her.

Licking her lips she peaked through the window and saw that it was pitch dark outside. Briar had two options in front of her, she could either stay in the confines of the Library and stay safe or travel outside to get home with her loving family.

Family, she mentally choked down the phrase. Lately she had been feeling as if she didn't have a true family, only people who liked to pick at her flaws and judge her mercilessly.

The bell sounded again and she couldn't help but start to be afraid. It had been years since the Beast had entered town; well, since last night anyways. It had been years since he had killed a single townsperson and now Briar was putting everyone in risk by hiding away in her fantasy world.

If he hurt someone while looking for her Rose would carry that burden on her for the rest of her human life and she wasn't about to let that happen. But before she could leave she saw Klaus and four of his men circling the main square of the village. He was shouting for the beast tauntingly.

This was a big deal for them considering that Arsen hadn't entered the town in years. He had always kept his distance just circling the perimeter. Killing everyone that dare cross the imaginary border. Now that Arsen had done the crossing, the men of the town were more than curious and blood thirsty for the Arsen's flesh. Hoping to finally end this game once and for all.

Arsen, Briar huffed, i'm even calling him by his first name now too. Her thoughts were hostile to herself.

She watched as the men yelled and yipped for the Beast, daring it to come out and play. Slowly, she saw a black shadow emerged from the darkness on the left side of the Library. As it approached, his head turned and Briar got a clear view of his daunting sapphire eyes. He barely locked his eyes with her before advancing towards the group of men.

The black fur was undoubtedly recognizable to Briar, and all she wanted to do was run her hand through it for hours on end. But she snapped out of her thoughts as she saw Klaus pulled out an arrow and aimed it at the growling beast. "Prepare to die you foul beast" He shouted before shooting the arrow.

Rose held in a scream as she watched the beast dodge the arrow as if it was only moving at a snail's pace. Then the beast crouched down on his front paws, growling furiously as he prepared himself to attack Klaus.

Right as he was about to pounce Briar dashed out of the confines of Library screaming and standing her grounds in front of Klaus. She wasn't going to let Arsen hurt Klaus, no way no how. In mid air Arsen seemed to realize what was happening and skidded to a stop inches away from her angry face.

Rose's eyes were blazing with fire, her hands fisted into balls at her sides. Everyone around her seemed to be dumbfounded, including Arsen. "Briar what are you -" Klaus started, gripping her arm to pull her to safety but she intervened.

"I know what i'm doing Klaus." She assured him, but it was more directed at herself than anything.

She locked eyes with Arsen and glared harshly, "leave" she told him lowly. He growled at her threateningly but she stood her ground attempting to show him who was boss. Baring his teeth he tried to make her stop her pathetic attempts of warding him off but it seemed to be ineffective because she just seemed to be getting madder by the second.

Briar RoseWhere stories live. Discover now