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The shopping went well. I didn't die! Its been soon seven months since I was out walking the streets. So the girls promised me that it wouldn't take too long. We bought clothes, shoes, make-up, everything. It was actually really nice to have a day with them. Nat was all over the place and wanted to show me everything. She did know that I had been shopping before? That I only was gone for seven months not seven lifetimes? Lisa was mostly quite but I liked her. They wanted to go to another store but I was exhausted. "You guys go! I'll be right outside that door for a smoke" It was lucky that Tyler wasn't here because the girls trusted me, he not that much. They said it would only take a few seconds, so they gave me a phone in case something would happen.

I went out to the fresh air. How will I be able to manage a party in a few hours? I couldn't remember last time I was on a party. I was starting to worry.

"Excuse me, do you have a lighter?" I didn't notice the guy who had walked up next to me. "oh yes, here you go" he was smoking hot! I tried not to stare. "Thank you! What's your name?" I hesitated. I don't know him or if he maybe worked with Stefan. "I'm sorry, stranger danger" I gave him a sad smile. But he didn't take it like a bad thing.

"It's okay, we can call you Jane and me Tarzan! How about that?" I laughed, he was really nice and easy to talk to. "So Tarzan, what do you do?" I tried to make a small talk. I don't know how you do that!! "You know swing the trees, scream and talk to monkeys. The usual" I have never seen a smile as his. It made me weak in my knees. "But I should keep going, much to do. Trees to swing!" we said good bye and he left. Did that just happen? 

The girls soon joined me and we headed back to the house. "Why do you look so happy all of the sudden?" Lisa asked while she started the car. I told them what just happened. "Wow, mysterious hot guy! Damn!" we started to talk about the party instead and a question just slipped my tongue. "How long have you two been together?" That's not something you just ask! Stupid!!

They both starred at me. "Is it that obvious?" Nat whispered. My heart felt ten times lighter now. "No no it's just that I have been with you guys a lot and you seemed very cute together so I guessed." They both smiled at each other. "Thanks Haylee, we have been a couple since two years "Lisa told me and reached for Nat's hand. "Why does nobody else know?" again with the stupid questions! Don't put your nose in their business. "Oh, the guys knows it's just that Lisa's parents doesn't approve and we haven't dare to tell mine." Nat simply said. And I nod, no more questions.

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