Chapter 13

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It was a normal November night. Hunting with Bobby became a regular thing to me. Bobby sometimes sent me on cases on my own. This one he decided to tag along with me on because there were a lot of vampires in this nest. More than we thought. He almost called for backup but I convinced him that it wasn't necessary because we had this. I had cat-like reflexes; it was more of a curse than a gift. Happened to me on another case. I killed a witch and before I ganked the bitch, she cursed me with cat-like reflexes. It sucks. I reacted to everything like I am scared of it. I mean it is easy when someone tries to sneak up on me, I feel them there and I can quickly gank them before they can do the same to me.

We got to the nest and something didn't feel right. I checked my surroundings and couldn't feel a thing around us. The nest seemed empty though. Like there was nothing in there at all. I moved in closer and decided I was going in. I walked in and nothing again. The room was empty. They should be awake by now. We came during the night. We were stupid for that. I walked into another room and for some reason I didn't feel then. I was instantly attacked. They grabbed me and when the one went to bite me, the leader stopped them.

"She's a hunter. But a damn good one. She works with the Winchesters' second daddy, Bobby Singer. She could get close to the Winchesters and end them once and for all." The leader said and I didn't understand who these 'Winchesters' were. I never met them in my life. Ever. The leader then slit his wrist and the vamps forced my mouth open. Before I could fight back and just as Bobby walked in, the leader dripped his blood into my mouth. Most people would think the transformation would start instantly. No. Honestly it would've been better if it started instantly. It would've made the transforming back to human way faster. But after ganking the mother fuckers and getting some of the leader's blood, we headed back to the hotel. On the way there, I started feeling dizzy and then I kept hearing a pounding noise in my head. I look over at Bobby.

"Do you hear that? That pounding noise?" I said and put my hands on the side of my head because it was starting to give me a headache.

"What pounding?" Bobby said trying to focus on the road and help me at the same time.

"Is that your heart?" I asked and then could feel the vampire teeth push out of my gums. It hurt and I was very hungry. Bobby got a phone call.

"Hello, Dean. Yeah it's bad. She just got her teeth. I need help. What is that spell or whatever to help her? I can't lose her. They want her to come after you guys and kill you. Her maker is dead. I have his blood. What else do I need? I can't lose her." I could hear the person on the other line perfectly. I honestly don't know how I could but I could hear them clear as day, as if I was the one on the phone with them.

"How far are you guys out? If we are close we will come help her."

"We are in Rentz, Georgia. Where are you two?" Bobby said.

"We are in Macon, Georgia. We will be there in about 52 minutes or maybe sooner if we don't get caught. Do not let her feed. Make her eat regular food or drink lots of water or something. Do not let her drink blood. If she does it will not work and she'll be stuck as a vamp and I am pretty sure you don't want to gank her at all. I know how much she means to you Bobby. She's part of the family." This Dean guy said and then Bobby just mumbled and then said goodbye and hung up.

"Are you thirsty?" Bobby asked me.

"I am not eating or drinking anything. I got a major headache now and I know what I am hungry for but I don't want to feed. Maybe when we get to the hotel I will down a beer or something." I said and then everything went silent for the rest of the ride to the hotel. We got to the hotel about a half an hour later. I walked in and went to the mini fridge we had and grabbed a beer. I drank it while waiting for these boys or guys or whoever we were waiting for. After about 20 some minutes of waiting they stormed into the hotel.

"Hello, Bobby. Has she fed yet?" The tall one with longer hair, said.

"No. She has just been sitting her guzzling down beer after beer. I swear she's on her third or fourth beer now."

"Yeah, well I am thirsty as fuck and I am not feeding off of you, Bobby. I have been trying to force these fucking things back into my mouth but the more your heart pumps the more I just want to chop down on your neck. I need this to go away because it is giving me a fucking head ache." I said showing them my new fangs.

"Alright, Sam, let's get this done and over with. We have a case to start tomorrow." The shorter one, said.

"So, I am just supposed to let two strangers that I don't know make this potion or whatever and drink it and trust them? Bobby, I understand you trust them but one, I don't know their names and two, I barely know them. You know what dad told me. Don't trust any hunter unless it was you or Ellen." Bobby looked down at the mention of Ellen and then looked back up at the boys standing there.

"Patience, this is Sam," Bobby said pointing to the tall and cute one with long hair, "and this is Dean," He said pointing to the shorter one, who was also cute but not as cute as Sam. "These are the Winchesters." I got wide-eyed.

"These are the guys they wanted me to kill?!" I said and then slouched more in my seat.

"Wait, who wanted us dead?" Dean said.

"The vamps. They kept saying something about you guys were one of the best hunters there were and that I was just as good as you guys were and that Bobby was like your second father and that they were going to use me to get close to you two and kill you." Dean just sat there in awe. Sam was ignoring the whole conversation and was making the potion for me. He brought it over and told me to drink it. I did and it tasted good. I could taste the blood in it. I drank it all down fairly quickly. My fangs popped out and then I opened my mouth to show the guys my fangs going away and the holes in my gums disappearing.

I completely forgot that I met them before this. After that day, Bobby kept yelling at me because I kept asking to meet them again because I ended up getting a huge crush on Sam. He said we were like brother and sister now, which was wrong because even though I did call Bobby my father after dad died, I never had a connection with these two boys until now. I only met them once. I wonder if they remember that day.... Hopefully not. One thing about that day that I have been trying to forget stills haunts me anyway. I can't believe that after they saved me....never mind. I shouldn't say. It's just too hard to explain. I shouldn't have brought it up anyway. I have to keep my mind on the case we have now anyway.

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