Chapter: Three

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"Yes you, obviously you have the abilities as you saw earlier," it said, and I could physically feel the eye roll.

"Okay... let's say I'm a witch, but how come i didn't know of this ? " I said trying to stay calm, while my world was flipped upside down.

" I don't know... Could be a suppression spell.." it answered confused.

"This is unbelievable" I mumbled to myself .

"Wait you didn't answer me, who are you?" I remembered .

"Well, my name is Augustus and I am.. well I was a werewolf." He replied. And then added "I can communicate with you through the tooth, it is a sort of talisman."

My eyes widened as I held it up to look at it.

It started glowing and he appeared in front of me curly hair and a cute dimpled smile. By the looks of it he appeared about 15 or so.

I looked at him as he looked himself up and down. He was surprised to be materialized in front of me.

"How are you visible?"

"When you touched it, did you think of me?"

"Yees I did, but I didn't say anything."

"Yeah, that is peculiar"

"So you are a dead werewolf, how did you die?"

"Well, you are quite blunt huh. I was hunted until I bleed to death."

My body froze eyes wide, "do you know who did that to you?" "They had masked themselves, but after tonight I assume it is one of those guys."

"Aren't werewolves supposed to be fast and great with smell?" I said not having that much knowledge about these type of things.

"I can't explain it, but the guy who was hunting me, smelt familiar, so it took me a while before I could figure out that something was wrong."

I started to pace back and forth. He snapped me out of it, "Hey! Listen to me, those guys at the rooftop are bad people." "How do you know that?" I croaked, hands trembling. "You saw that glow on the red head, that's a sign of energy stealing." "Energy stealing?" "Yes energy stealing, dark wizards or witches get the glow, because it enhances their own energy." "It is forbidden to steal or hunt others for energy, it's an act of evil, which rips out the good in one's soul,"

I was trembling "What about the other guy?"

Augustus looked like he was contemplating something, "Well, I don't quite know."

Out of nowhere, we heard a noise close by the bushes. I held my hand ready to attack. Out of the bushes came my dad. I was relieved and almost ran to him. Then I thought to myself, how did he find me? He cut my train of thought as he spoke up.

"Come sweetie, we are going home," he said sluggishly.

He took my hand, but I slipped it out of his. "Are you even my dad? How did you find me?" He sighed, "I should have renewed the spell." My eyes widened. "Tell me who you are?" "Why, of course, your dad."

"I don't believe you."

I held my hand out *thump* was the sound it made as he fell to the ground stunned.

"Tell me the truth" I said firmly.

"Alright" he sighed.

"I am not your father but your uncle."

"My uncle... but why would you lie about that?"

" I didn't want to tell you about your father" he sighed and said "He is not a good man."

"So, you mean to tell me that he's still alive?"

"Yes, he's still alive."

"Tell me the truth, I want to know who my parents were and what I am."

He looked at me reluctantly, replying "your parents were a witch and a necromancer."

"Your mother was of winter witch descent and your father was a necromancer" he paused and then continued.

"I kept you away from knowing who your father was because it had been decided by your mother. She had wanted for you to live a normal life. Even your birth was unregistered so that nobody would seek you out."

I looked at him confused, "Why would they seek me out?"

My uncle looked int the distance "well most winter witches were killed off by either their own kind or by other witches out of fear."

I froze and whimpered "kill their own kind?"

"Yes, a winter witch was powerful on her own but with double the energy, she would have powers beyond her imagination."

I felt like my body had been trapped and something was crawling up my body. How could someone do this to their own kind? I thought.

My uncle looked at me I said "Your grandmother had kept your mother hidden to keep her lineage alive however, she couldn't protect her from the likes of your father."

"Why? What is wrong with my father?"

"Most of his kind were killed off due to the fear of what they were capable of. So, most of your father's family were killed off. He was in a vulnerable state, where he was receptible to any type of evil that could latch on to him, and that made him worse than before."

I almost felt bad for my father. He had not chosen to be born into that, I thought to myself until I heard the next part.

" He was very manipulative, he sought out your mother due to her lineage."

"How was my mother's linage of use to him?" I asked dreadfully.

"Well Kim, your mother had the ability to telepathically speak to the living and bond a connection that could let her control them. Your father's abilities as a necromancer made him able to talk to the dead and control the dead. She gave him a connection to the living and a way for him to actually control the living. Having a child with this mixture was beyond his imagination.

I felt myself slump to the ground, back against the wall. Was my family really this twisted? "Uncle, why did you treat me so badly?"

He looked away, ashamed of himself. "After your mother's death; I couldn't look at you, without despising you. That was due to the part of you that resembled your father. You reminded me so much of him looks wise, whenever I saw you, I remembered what had happened to my sister Mariah. I'm sorry Kimberly."

I felt mad, angry, no furious. How could someone treat you so unfairly for something that you could not control?

I looked determinately at my uncle and said, "I want to learn to control my powers."

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