(R) You Break Up + Tsukishima, Kageyama, Sugawara

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"Tsukishima's, Kageyama's, and Sugawara's reaction to when you break up with him."

Tsukishima Kei

Was he too callous? Too distant? Tsukishima would never admit it aloud, but he'd be hurting. He'll hide his pain with crude remarks, picking on people even more than usual with meaner words. Daichi would have to pull him aside and tell him to stop being an asshole to everyone because he almost made Hinata cry. At home Tsukishima would listen to sad, angry songs and stare off into space, wondering what went wrong. He wouldn't try to win you back because he knows you wouldn't take him.

"Leave me alone. I'm not in the mood for talking about dead relationships. You're annoying."

Kageyama Tobio

Poor Kags is completely heartbroken. You were his first love and now he mopes around during his spare time. He tries to distract himself with volleyball, pushing himself and Hinata further. If someone tries to force him to confess his feelings he'll throw a tantrum, screaming at whoever dared to speak to him. He's the type who would hide in a classroom if he saw you in the hallway and watch you walk by with depressed, pained eyes.

"Stop it. I don't want to talk about _____-san."

Sugawara Kōshi

Sugawara would try to hide his pain from the others, not wanting them to worry about him. He respects your decision. In public he'd smile like usual and might even casually greet you if he sees you around. On the inside he's dying, wondering why oh why you broke up with him. Insecurity gnaws on him, slowly eating away at his self confidence. The other third years notice his change in personality and try to cheer him up, but nothing they do can replace his memories of you.

"Ah, _____-san? She's a nice girl... too nice of a girl for me."


Author's Note

Not even ten chapters in and I'm already writing angst oops.

Thank you guys so much for 100 votes!

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