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"Mickie late again" Mr Roberts said as I came through the classroom door, interrupting miss pageant queen telling us her name which we already knew. "Mickie we are introducing ourselves, because we have a new student" new student? I looked around the class to see someone who looked like a potential asshole but instead found an innocent and pure boy.

He wore a light t-shirt with a beanie over his head, but a few curls were sneaking out from the hat. He smiled, his teeth were white as snow and his smile just glistening in the fluorescent lights above. His physique interested me, why would a beautiful boy like that come to a garbage high school like this? Thinking to myself I didn't realize that it was my turn to introduce myself. "Mickie it's your turn" the person in front of me whispered.

"Oh...um..hi I'm Mickie" I looked around the room and saw miss pageant queen whispering to her friends at the front of the class. "Get the sea water out of your ears" they giggled. I hated myself, why do I get distracted so easily, I pulled over my hood on my jacket and rested my head on my desk for the rest of class.

The bell rang throughout the room, I didn't move, but I felt I light touch on my arm. Looking up and removing my hood was the boy. He smiled "Are you alright love?" oh my god he's British! I recognize that accent anywhere most my favorite artist are from England.

"Yeah I'm fine" I picked up my bag and stood up.

"I'm Harry" he stuck out his hand for me to shake.

"Mickie" I shook his hand, his hand practically engulfed mine, they were so large.

"Nice to meet you" he smiled, I could feel my cheeks starting to warm up. I followed him out and he even opened the door for me, whatever they're doing in England they're doing it right.

Lunch time came around rather fast, I met up with Kaylani she was busy fixing her hair in the bathroom. "Kaylani it looks fine can we please go?" I begged but she insisted on fixing the curls that surrounded her face.

"You can't rush beauty" she said twisting the strands.

"No, but I can rush you so" I grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the bathroom.

"I'm coming I'm coming" she took back her arm and kept the same pace as me. We walked to the cafeteria and chose a table that was further away from the populars. "So how was English?" she giggled already knowing the answer.

"Well my nap was good and..." I trailed off, she looked up at me suspicious.

"And what?" she raised an eyebrow.

"There's a new kid" she rolled her eyes thinking the kid is just another annoying fuqboi trying to get into every girls pants. "Lani you don't understand this boy he's British" she stopped eating her sandwich.

"How do you know he's British?" she was skeptic of my observation.

"Because he has an accent duh" I took another bite of my wrap. "He could be apart of the non asshole club" she giggled.

"Yeah we need more of em, like there's only two now"

"Wait I thought there was three"

"Nope they left there's only two now, and now with mister English accent there can be three"

"Three what?" both Kaylani and I looked up it was Harry he sat down across from us. "Three what?" he asked again, smiling his beautiful smile.

"Oh Mickie she has three....trophies" I looked at her puzzled.

"Oh that's cool, what for?" he asked sweetly.

"For surfing" I did surf, and I did have three trophies but they were for participating in surfing, in the kiddie pool, when I was five.

"That's awesome, oh sorry I don't believe we've met I'm Harry" he said nicely sticking out his hand for Kaylani to shake.

"Kaylani, it's nice to meet you Harry" she smiled at me raising her eyebrows in amazement that he is actually not an asshole. And to think this school day was just going to be about reading and pre-calculus homework.

School ended with me getting homework in pre-cal and to read chapters seven through eleven by next Monday, well at least today's Friday. I was walking down on the sidewalk when Harry drove up. "Hey where you going?" he rolled down the window and stuck his head out.

"Home?" I kept walking.

"Do you need a lift?" he asked sweetly. I usually walk home but I live a hour away. My uncle is at work so he couldn't pick me up and there wasn't a bus route that went by my house.

"Yeah alright" he unlocked the door and I got in, I hope I didn't make a mistake by doing this. But Harry seems like a gentleman so I think I'll be okay.

Hey my dudes this is a new book I'm working on and I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter. If you did like it please vote. See you in the next chapter!

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