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I was taking books from my locker when Kaylani came rushing towards me. "Oh my god! Oh my god!" she said panting. "How come you didn't tell me you and Harry went on a date you slut" she playfully punched me in the shoulder.

"What are you talking about? Me and Harry didn't go on a date" I exclaimed.

"Oh really? Then what's this?" She showed me a picture of me getting to a car with Harry in the drivers seat, I rolled my eyes so far into my head that I could see my brain.

"You idiot, he was giving me a ride home" she raised an eyebrow and placed her hands on her waist. "You know I live like a hour away, he was being nice for goodness sake" she sighed then smiled.

"I was just pulling your leg jeez chill" she chuckled, but I didn't find it funny.

"Where'd you get that pic anyway?" her smile fell, as she looked away from me.

"Uh....well it's all over the....schools Facebook" she said quietly.

My eyes widened "Charlotte that ugh!!" I slammed my locker door and rushed down the hall to find her with Kaylani running after me.

"Mickie! Mickie Stop! Mickie!" She yelled, catching up to me she grabbed my arm and step in front of me. "Mickie you can't fight Charlotte, she already has a big head she doesn't need a bigger one" she said trying to calm me down.

"Yeah, but she's always posting shit about me i-it's not fair" I whined.

"Mick life's not fair, okay?" she wrapped her arm around mine and walked with me to class. I was glaring at Charlotte in the girls locker room and of course Kaylani slapped my arm to stop me from staring. "Will you stop, glaring at her won't change anything ya idiot" she said shoving her bag in one of the lockers. I rolled my eyes, and walked into the gym where Coach Reynolds blew his whistle to start class. Lani and I sat on the bleachers.

"Alright listen up, since SATs are coming up" Coach Reynolds stop speaking, Charlotte and Miss Beauty Queen walked in, interrupting class, and sat down so slowly and eloquently on the bleachers. "Since SATs are coming up, I decided that today we will play dodgeball" everyone started hooting and hollering because it's such great game not. After coach said dodgeball everyone got up and ran to set everything up, in about five minutes people were already throwing cheap foam balls at each other. I've been hit five times in row, the team picked me second to last being a bit more athletic than Wilson the school nerd.

"Mickie come on, it's dodgeball your favorite" Kaylani sat next to me on the bleachers.

"Yeah I know, I just, I just don't feel like playing okay" I got up and walked towards the hall where the locker rooms are. I was to frustrated to look where I was going, that I ran straight into somebody. "Ow what the hell? Whatch where you're going asshole!" I dusted myself off.

"Well you should be the one watching where you're going love" that accent could only belong to one person, I looked up and it was none other than Harry holding out his hand to help me up.

"Sorry about that" I felt so ashamed, I just went all New Yorker on the sweetest boy in school.

"It's alright love, where you going anyway?" he was wearing one of the gym uniforms they give us, a school shirt and basketball shorts in green or black. On most people it looks awful but he actually looks good, in the uniform. "Em...love, are you alright?" he caught me staring oh my gosh, I'm so embarrassed.

"Uh...um right I was leaving, I'm going home" he looked at me confused, his chocolate brown curls bouncy in the air conditioning wind.

"So early, it's only fourth period" he raised an eyebrow showing off his emerald eyes.

"Well I just really don't feel like playing dodgeball" I started walking to the locker room.

"I've never played dodgeball before, could you teach me?" he sounded so innocent and pure, I turned around and walked back to him.

"Sure I'll teach ya" I patted him on the shoulder, while rolling my eyes, I grinned and so did he. "But I'll have you know dodgeball is a very rigorous and challenging sport" I walked in front of him, I opened the door to the gym for him. I walked in after him, and everyone stopped and stared at us.

"What's going on?" he whispered, I was very confused and saw Kaylani giggling up a storm.

"C'mon I think I know who's behind this" he followed behind me as I walked back to the bleachers, everyone started playing again and the sound of sneakers squeaking and people yelling filled the room. "Um...care to explain" I placed my hands on my hips, as Lani made a guilty grin.

"I just said that you guys would make a cute couple, guess Charlotte overheard, whoops" I was about to smack her before Harry chimed in.

"Em...who's Charlotte?" he asked softly.

"Ugh" I turned to face him "You see that girl over there" he turned around, I pointed in Charlotte's general direction.

"Yeah the girl with the brown curly hair jumping up and down"

"No the girl next to her, the one looking at her nails" I slightly shouted in frustration.

"Oh that girl? That's Charlotte?" I nodded. "She looks kind of like brat" he confessed, my jaw dropped and so did Lani's.

"Oh my gosh! We actually agree on something" I held up my hand to give him a high five, he smiled and accepted my gesture. "C'mon I'll teach ya how to play, but don't be a sour puss when I get you out" I laughed lightly, and he smiled looking at the ground his curly locks caressing his face. At that moment I felt my cheeks get warm and my stomach started to turn on itself. Oh my god! Am I getting feelings for Harry!??!

Sorry this chapter took so long, I've been having a hard time on writing this book, but it's all good now. I hoped you liked this chapter, please give it a vote! And I will see you in the next chapter!!! <3

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