2) Your First Date

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2) Your First Date-


His P.O.V

She was absolutely stunning, I can't believe she agreed to let me be her date to the after party. Wow. Is all I could think as she took my hand smiling and leading me onto the dance floor.

After we danced for a bit we went over to a table away from the boys and the girls in her band so we could get to know eachother. I know this is only my first night with her but she's so perfect, she's different from the other girls I have dated. I mean they all were fake and here she is as real as ever. She's absolutely flawless I thought as she told me about her brother and mother. Even her step-dad and birth father.

"Daniel are you even listening?" she giggled. I nodded. "Yeah you were telling me about how at your mum and step-dad's wedding your brother tripped and almost ruined the cake." I smiled. She grinned as that is what she was talking about. I laughed as she began to blush. "Your cute when you blush." I smiled.

Your P.O.V

He's so sweet and different from the other guys I have dated. He's so sweet the way he talks about the boys you can tell how close all of them are and it's probably the sweetest thing I have ever seen. "Y/N are you even listening?" he mocked. I grinned and looked at him. "Of course Daniel, I'm listening to you. You're telling me about each of the boys and all the crazy things you have done together." I smile.

This boy is different he's the only guy I know who hasn't tried to get in my pants on the fist date. " Y/N wanna dance again?" he asks getting up and extending his hand for me. I smile and take it. "Of course."


Your P.O.V

Once I had heard that all the youtubers who were here would be in L.A for another month I was excited because that means Jai will be here for a bit before he has to go back to Australia.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by my phone sounding a light ping. I paused my show and got off my brother Sawyer's couch as I walked over to the counter and picked up my phone.

'Hey Y/N do you wanna go to the beach with me, like on a date? -Jai'

'Sure Jai what time? :) -Y/N'

'I'll be by to pick you up at 1 ;) - Jai'

I smiled biting my lip before running upstairs to get ready. I ran past Joey's room almost falling on my face. I quickly got dressed and grabbed flip flops before paking my bag with my waterproof camera, sunscreen, a towel, and slipping my phone in. I quickly skipped down the stairs and grabbed one of my health juices from the fridge. Joey got me hooked on them.

I sat at the counter thinking about our date as Joey came down the stairs. "What you up to?"

"I have a date." I smile and as if on que there is a knock at the door. "Does Sawyer know about this?" Joey sasses. "No." I sing song as I walk to the door and open it. "Hey Y/N are you ready?"

"Yup." I smile. "SAWYER WON'T BE HAPPY!" Joey calls after me. I shrug and take Jai's hand as we run to his car.

His P.O.V

Once we were at the beach which was surprisingly empty we just goofed around,talked in the sand for a little bit, and just enjoyed finally having a real convo in person. I smiled as she grabbed her water camera and pulled me to the water with her after taking off her cover up. Once we were in the water we just goofed around, filmed eachother with the camera, and took funny pictures together under water. In all honesty it was the best date I have had in a long time. I'm so happy I got to share this date with her, I don't think anyone else could have made it this special.

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