Chapter 1

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Ms. Norris pulled up to her sister's lovely home. Once she turned off the car, my best friend, Amelie and I hopped out the car. We grabbed our suitcases and began to walk up the porch steps. Immediately, the door flew opened, revealing a women in her early 40s. She had a dark bob and a loose purple knee length dress. Her skin was a nice rich caramel tone. She greeted us with a huge smile.

"Amelie" she happily said and hugged her. They let go and she looked at me.

"You must be Cindy"

"Yes ma'am" I say and she pulls me into a hug. "It's nice to finally meet you. Amelie told me great things about you"

She laughed. "Did she tell you about my famous baked mac and cheese?"

"Especially that" we both laugh and she gives me one more tight hug. I felt welcomed. She lets go of me and Amelie pulls me inside the house and past the living room. She walked me into the kitchen. I was able to escape her grip and she ran to the glass doors. She then turned to me. "Amelie come see"

I walked over to where she was and gasped at what was outside.

"You didn't tell me your aunt had a pool"

"Well now you know" she said with a wink.

I gave her a look.


"You've been giving me flirtatious looks the whole way here. What's up with that?" I ask and she laughs.

"I'm just trying to prepare you"

I gave her a confused look. "Prepare me for what?"

"The guys here. They're some horny dogs. So when they see fresh meat, they try anything to get that meat" she explained and I nodded in understanding. "Now lets change into our bathing suits and get in the pool"

"I'll change into my bathing suit, but I'm not going to wet my hair" I tell her and she rolls her eyes.

"Ugh, okay"

She grabs my hand and leads me upstairs.

Jahseh's Pov:

My house came into view and I noticed that there were two cars instead of one, parked in the driveway. As I got closer, I recognized it as my aunt's car.

"Ouuu, Ski" I snickered.

He looked around and gave me a confused look, "what?"

I laughed, "my cousin is here"

His eyes went big and he stopped. "How do I look?"

"Real sweaty" my other friend Rakiem said in disgust.

Ski has had a crush on my cousin for the longest. Every time he tries to ask my cousin out, he would always mess up.

"Yo, lets just go" I said, pulling him by his collar.

I eventually let go of him and we ran inside. We saw my aunt and greeted her and then my mom. I didn't see Amelie though.

"Where's Amelie?" I asked them both.

"She's in the pool, with her friend, Cindy" my mom says and I look at my friends.

Cindy? Who's Cindy?

We turn around and walk into the kitchen. We look out the window. There laying by the edge of the pool was a girl with long dark hair. Her body was on point. My body felt tingly all of a sudden.

"She bad" Tyler said. He was my other friend.

"Mhm" I say and watch her as she gets on her hands and knees. She was fixing her towel. She then stood up and exchanged a couple words with my cousin. She began to walk towards the house.

My friends and I hurried to the table and sat. We took out our phones and pretended to be in a deep conversation with each other. The sliding doors opened.

Cindy's Pov:

Amelie and I were thirsty. I got up and she told me what she wanted. Since it was just us girls, I didn't bother going in the house with a towel. I slip on my flops and walk towards the house. I open the sliding doors and walked inside. I closed it and when I turned around, I literally wanted the earth to swallow me. There were a whole bunch of guys in the kitchen. They all just stared at me.

"Hi" I said shyly. "Do you guys know where the ice box is?"

"Yeah" one of them said, standing up. He looked a bit scary. Maybe it was the tattoo under his eye. But he was cute. "I'm Jahseh by the way"

"Cousin Jahseh" he chuckled. "Amelie told me about you. I'm Cindy by the way"

"It's nice to meet you Cindy" he said. He's really nice. I don't know why Amelie said he was mean. "I love your accent. Where are you from?"

"The Netherlands. I was born there, but raised in California" I tell him and he smiled. Man, he's perfect.

"Nice. Follow me"

I nodded and followed him out the kitchen. I turned around to see the other guys just looking at me. They made it so obvious. Wearing a two piece bathing suit was a bad idea.

Jahseh walked me into a room and I began to shiver. It had to be like -2 degrees in here. He noticed and told me to wait outside. I gladly did and told him what I needed. He got it and handed them to me.

"Thank you" I say and he nods.

"You're welcome" he smiles. "So, how long are you staying here?"

We began to walk back towards the kitchen. "Until Amelie leaves. So basically I'll be here for a month"



We looked at each other and then I came back to reality. I smiled at him and walked back outside.

"Your cousin is really cute" I tell Amelie and she scoffs.

"Hell freaking no! He's ugly as hell! He mean and scary!" She loudly said and I rolled my eyes.

That's one thing that irritated me about Amelie. When she was angry or bothered by something, she would always say everything loudly.

"Shut up! Why you always shouting?" I spat.


"Now drink your soda" I say and throw the can at her.


Jahseh's Pov:

"Bro you better get that" Tyler says and I shake my head.

"She don't want me" I say. "She's way out of my league"

"Who cares. She probably only cares about personality" Rakiem says and I nod.

"Yeah, you probably right man"

I'm going to ask Cindy out. But I'm a little worried of getting rejected. It tends to happen a lot. Mainly cause of my tattoos...

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