d a y f o u r

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It's lunch time. And Phil had nothing to do after lunch. 

He went back home and spotted Dan on their sofa, he was surrounded by blankets and tissues. Dan has been feeling under the weather lately, so he stayed home to rest for a couple of days.

Phil poured himself a bowl of cereal, he couldn't be bothered making himself a proper lunch. He offered Dan if he wanted something, but Dan wasn't really feeling it.

Phil went into his room and pondered for a moment. He wrote down a note to remind himself to do homework. He put his bowl aside and opened his window, feeling the cold, crisp breeze hit his face and neck.

He sat down on his bed and stare onto the wall. He was in complete silence, the only sound he could hear were cars driving by his window, Dan sniffling from the other room, and his spoon hitting on the side of his cereal bowl.

All he could smell was his dusty air from his room, the polluted air coming from his window, and the smell of dog that was rested on his leg. He looked down and spotted dog hairs that were sitting on his thigh. He brushed off his thigh, but it only made the smell stronger. He changed his jeans into sweat pants. He doesn't think he's going to go back outside for the rest of the day.




Phil opened his eyes and saw that his room has gotten darker. He somehow fell asleep as soon he finished cereal.


He heard Dan shuffle into Phil's room then back out again, he realized that Phil was asleep and went back into his spot on the sofa.

'Yes Dan?'

He heard Dan sniffle his nose before speaking.

'I thought you were asleep?'

'I was until you woke me up'

'Oh sorry...'

Phil slowly shuffled out of his bed and walk into the living room.

'What did you want?'

'I was going to ask you if you can shut your window because I was getting the chills, but obviously you needed it'

Dan thinks it's weird how Phil sleeps in the cold. But without it, Phil can not sleep at all. Overtime, Dan just got use to it.

'No, no, I can shut it...'

Phil stumble back into his room and closed his window. He saw that some of his papers flew off his table.

'Shit..' He whispered underneath his breath. He picked up the papers and placed them back on the table.

'Phil... I have a question..'

'Yes Danny?'

'why were you coming home late most days? You seem to be a bit more distance than usual.. Anything happened?'

Phil suddenly noticed that he was a little distant from the world. He doesn't know exactly why, but he was a clue when it first started.

'Well, I've found this little cafe a few days ago and I've been meaning to try it. So yesterday, straight out of Uni, I've checked it out and I guess it's been on my mind ever since..' 

'Oh okay... Is the cafe any good?'

'Um, yeah.. Do you want to go check it out sometime?'

'Sounds like a plan..'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2017 ⏰

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