Why i wrote this book.(Author Note)

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At the start like many of you remember my book was fill with mistakes and over all was a unprofessional mess. I honestly feel quiet embarrassed because of that. Many people commented about that, and back then I couldn't give two fucks. At the start this story was just a joke for me. I honestly couldn't care less for little rebel.

>>why I wrote this book:

I began writing this story because you know boredom. I had nothing to do. this book began ,thinking it was just gonna be one of those many unrecognized books , after half of the chapters I began noticing a mayor crowd commenting and voting and over all following me for my book. And that's when honestly I took charge and began being more careful. I understand I still have mistakes and I try my best not to, but as you know I take long to update and when I do I write so fast that I mess up. Starting now I will start revising since I'm already working in the next chapter.

>>What gave me the idea of writing this book:

- Honestly , what gave me the idea of this book was misfits . As I know I based Arleen in many of my traits , so half of Arleen traits and things she does are things based of what I have done. I began thinking of how one direction will be repulsed to ever meet a person like me, who can be to blunt, rude, aggressive and over all have a personality that not every can like. And that honestly made me feel quiet depressed lol. So I wrote this book showing not only me but to other people who are just like me and can't seem to fit it. I wrote it to show that one direction does accept misfits as part of there family. This story is for all the misfits out there, the ones who can't be accepted. We are all a family. And they will accept us.

This story if for all the girls and boys who are a Arleen , it's a book to give someone a place to feel accepted .


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