Late for practice

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      "Where have you been?" Eric yelled at the moment you stepped foot in the training room. You had woken up late because, being dauntless-born and living in your own apartment, there's no one else around to wake you up when you're running late. "You're fifteen minutes late, (Y/N)! " Eric continued to scream as you walked towards the throwing knives.

      "Yes, Eric, I know I'm late. I woke up late; my alarm didn't go off." You say, defensively as you pick up your set of knives and begin throwing them at the targets that have been set up in front of you. 

      Eric could be a huge pain in the ass sometimes. When you found out that he was going to be the main instructor instead of Four, you were pretty disappointed, to say the least. Though you believed Eric was extremely attractive, his hot temper easily aggravated you, thus making him a giant pain.

       "I want you to stay behind after everyone has left, (y/n)" Eric says, a little too calm for your liking. It meant he was plotting something when he was calm.

      "Eric, just leave her be..." Four finally pipes up. "She just woke up late; no big deal."
Four had always been the good guy in this game of 'good cop, bad cop' that the two trainers were playing. You were somewhat grateful, but feared it would only make the situation worse.

      "No, Four!" Eric fumed, his face turning red with anger. See? A hot temper. What'd I tell you?
"She did something wrong, therefore she has to receive some form of punishment!"

      From across the room, you rolled your eyes and threw your knife. It hit the bulls-eye with a loud thud. You turned and looked back at Eric and four, who both had their mouths slightly agape and eyebrows raised. Eric noticed you looking and quickly turned back to his argument with Four.

      "Besides," Eric starts. "She needs to learn who's in charge around here."

      Four rolls his eyes and walks away. "Alright everyone, let's wrap it up and go to lunch!" he yelled, waving towards the exit. "Except for you, (y/n)"

      With that, Four led the other initiates out of the training room, leaving only Eric in the room, while you continue angrily throwing your knives at the targets.

      You're about to throw your last knife when, your arm bent mid-swing, Eric calls out to you. "(y/n)," he says, rather sternly. "Come here."

      Even though you aren't looking at him, you can just tell that his making the 'come here' motion with his fingers. It infuriates you. 

      Slowly, you set down your knife and walk across the room to where Eric is standing. When you reach him, he crosses his arms and glares at you with his dark eyes, sending a chill down your spine. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he asks, angrily.

      Suddenly, knowing you've pissed off the almighty Eric Coulter, you get a small confidence boost. You raise your head high and cross your arms to mimic his. "I have no idea what you're talking about." You say, shrugging slightly in the process.

      Eric's features grow angry as he scowls at you. "What do you mean you have no idea what I'm talking about?" he screams, his arms now uncrossed and flailing angrily. "Do you really think you're able to get away with showing up late to training and talking back to your instructor?"

      You stayed silent; he had a point. After all, you were still an initiate. No matter how high you were ranked, Eric was still your instructor.

      "What, now you have nothing to say?" He asks, but before you can reply, he continues. "I should've made you stand in front of that target while I throw knives at you, just to show you who's in charge... But since I'm feeling rather generous today, I'm letting you off with a warning."

He pauses and sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.

      "Now get out of here, I'm tired of looking at you." he says. With that, he points toward the door. You huffed and hurriedly moved towards the exit.

      When you finally reach the metal door, Eric calls out to you one last time.

      "Oh, and (y/n)?" He starts. "Besides showing up late, you did very well during practice, today... Keep up the good work."

      You stared at him for a moment in slight astonishment before mumbling a quick "Um, thanks." and scrambling out the door.

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