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I fell in love with this girl, let's call her Claire, Well one day Claire asked me "Amy, would you die for me?" I didn't even need to think about it, I said "yes". She didn't like my answer, I didn't know why. Well anyway we went on with our life, we have been together for 50 years now, we are getting old, and we have had a long and wonderful life together. Well on my birthday Claire asked me again, "Amy, would you die for me?" this time I thought about it, but my answer was still the same, "yes Claire, I would die for you." And again she didn't like my answer. I never understand what she wanted me to say when she asked that question, not until I was sitting next to her on her death bed, as I watched the life drain from her, she asked me "My love, would you die for me?" as the tear's ran down my face I replied with a simple "No" as she was closing her eyes for the last time, I whispered in her ear, "I will live for you my love." That day I finally understood what Claire wanted me to say, she didn't want me to die for her. No what she wanted was for me to live for her, she wanted me to fight to live with her, to never willingly give up my life. She wanted me to live, so I could love her, until we died.

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