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Before i wake up, I want to tell her i love her. I know this is my only chance to tell her. Before she disappears, before she falls asleep forever. As she's standing there smiling at me, all i want to do is hold her tight in my arms. I would give anything just to hold her one more time, to kiss her once more, i would do anything, give anything if i could spend one more day with her. I would spend the day telling her and showing her, how much i love her. But no, god has to be so cruel,he has to take the most wonderful person in this world. She's holding my hand, we are both crying now, i can feel her shaking, she scared, so am i. we both know what's coming, and there's nothing we can do to stop it. Soon the dream will come to an end, and soon we will have to say goodbye. When it's all over, she will fall asleep, and i will wake up. I will wake up to a world without her. "2 years later" As i'm walking to her grave, i think back to the first time i saw her. If you had told me back then that i would fall so hard for this crazy girl, I would have told you, you were the crazy one. The best why i could describe her would be, well she's like the world. She's just as crazy, unpredictable, scare, and yet beautiful at the same time. And as i'm sitting in front of her grave all i see is her smiling at me. The tears wont stop falling, it hurt's so much. God it hurt's so fucking much, I don;t know what to do with all this pain. It's all to much, i can't do it anymore. I'm not strong enough to do this. Pleas don't hate me Sara, I just can't do it alone, I can't keep on living with out you. As i slid the razor over all my old scares, the tears fall and mixes's with my blood, I can feel the pain as the blood fall's on her grave. I fall to the ground as i bleed out. As my blood seeps in to the earth and become's one with the world, i slowly close my eyes, I say "I love you Sara." Before I fall asleep.

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