Chapter #1: Moving day

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Ok so no editing cause this is from my moms kindle so if you find misspelling please pm me or coment below. Thanks! O.o


I look out my window and see nothing but a green blur. I sigh because I never got a choice in this. In anything. My mom tries to make it up to me by moving. Again. I lose my only friend in the wake of the driving car and my father.

2 days earlier:

"Lilly! Dinner!" Jenny Waker yells up to her only daughter. Me. I am the one the only Lily Waker. And the world is going to know it too. :) I trudge down the steep stairs that I almost brake my ankle on... again. I walk into the dinningroom to find my mom dishing out, lassana. The only time my mom makes my favorite meal is when something I don't like is going to happen. Great.

"Ok mom what's up?" I ask with raised eyebrows.

"Why would you think somethings up?" She says a bit too innecently. I look abet long and she brakes.

"Ok, you better sitdown though... and don't freak out on me either....." she looks at me to see if I will do anything.

"We are moving." She drops the bomb straight away.

"Mom! Are you freaking kiddingme!?!?!?" I practically yell.

"No swearing under my roof young lady!"

"Ma..." she thinks that her only offspring, that is 17, will not swear.

"Don't you 'ma' me!" she scoops some lassana on to her plate. "Wanr some?" She asks me.

"I'm not hungry." I say as I walk back up stairs holding back my tears. I pick up my phone off of my bed and text Dillian.  

'Open ur window' I text him opening up my balkeny doors. Not even a second later he texts back 'open they r' I smile and swing onto the railing and into the tree. I climb up a few branches and into window. He is standing there shirtless. I run to him a hug him tight.

"Hey Lil, what's wrong?" He says with worry as tears run down my face on to his chest. He sits us down on the bed and I snuggle my head into his neck.

"Shhhhhh.... it's ok, no need to cry. I am here for you forever and ever." Says to me trying to sooth me.

"No, Dil. You won't! I'm moving and your staying here!" I cry hestarically. Silence befalls over us. Only the quiet whimpering of me crying is to be heard.

Lily wakerWhere stories live. Discover now