Brian wanted to put me on birth contorol. Im not having any more kids any time soon. Just because one of his friends just had his second baby does not have to do any thing with me.
Brian: Watch your time
Eryka: Shut up and go get your child
Brian: I dont wanna have a another child
Eryka: Im going in the room
(Walks in the bedroom)
(Brian get brooklyn)
Brian: Aww your just wet
Brian: Let me change you
(Get the Pamper & wipes)
Brian: I hate changing babies
(Brooklyn pees on Brian)
Brian: Ewww
Eryka: What happen
Brian: She peed on me
Eryka: Hahahahahaha
Brian: Its not funny
Eryka: Your going to be late
Brian: Oh shit
Eryka: Dont say that infornt of my child
Brian: Our child
Eryka: I dont think this baby came out of you
Brian: I dont think this baby swam out of you