Chapter 19 •

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Budo eyed the message as if it was the most precious stone he had ever seen.
His body froze as he began typing...
'What should I do?'
As Budo sent this, he already can imagine the smirk forming on the unknown number's face.
'Well it's easy...
All you have to do is break the system...'
Budo was confused, what system was that messenger talking about? What did they mean? He looked at Ayano... But when he looked at her,
She was frozen in place.
Not the kind of freeze where she stops breathing.
It was the kind of freeze were everything turns black and white.
This things all happened infront of Budo's eyes.
The time was paused...
He didn't know how that happened.

Then darkness was replaced.
What he could only see was his phone in his hand. As he looked at his phone a new message was sent,
'You need to break the system...
But you still need to visit the system...'
Budo looked at the message, he was more confused than any student from Akademi high who is taking their exams.
'But, all I can see is my phone's shining screen and just thick darkness...
This is much more darker than the demon realm I've visited...'
He thought...
He doesn't even know if his body is even there, it was extremely dark.
Budo could turn on his flashlight, yes, but he had a feeling that the lights would just, miraculously shine somewhere.
Another message was sent to him, he began reading it.
'Oh and don't worry, You don't need lights... Just continue moving forward.'
The message gave Budo shivers down his spine... It creeped him... 'Cause why should he continue moving forward without light, anyway?'
He sighed.
'It's for the best.' He thought.

Budo continued moving forward, though he could not see his feet or where he is going, he continued walking.
'Just keep walking.'
He says to himself.

Just when he was walking, he saw a dim of light... Shining somewhere... He followed it, then when the light came closer, it came from a hole.
He,at first, didn't dare to peek in there... But his curiousity and confusion is attacking him that he could not resist.

He just peeked at it, I swear it's just a peek! He's not looking he is peeking!!!
As he peeked at it, he couldn't have ever been so shock in his life.
Recollections of every single memory was flooding back at him.
By that I mean, every students' memories are flooding at Budo's mind. Even Ayano's.
And there as he sees every single thing the student has witnessed and done.
But every memory never looses Ayano's face.
As It was Ayano's memories started playing...
He couldn't believe what he saw in her mind.
Half of her mind, remains only to one person,
Taro Yamada, her one and only senpai.
But every time something else shows up, everything seemed...
But Budo noticed that, memories of them when they were still close friends, was clear but... It's looking gloomy.
As the memories began to end...
The light began to fade,because that light was actually the memories of the students.The background became dimmer, that he could see that the thick darkness began to vanish.
But Budo felt that he forgot someone's memories.
He took a last peek at the hole, and there he remembered,
He forgot the memories of...
His own self.
When Budo looked at his own memories, recollections of his past was starting to get brighter.
The once blurry memories started to get clearer.
He remembered everything.
By everything, I meant, his own childhood, his old life.
His life before he went to Akademi High.
Everything was beginning to return in his mind.

As Budo backed away, he began to smile... He could see the students' old memories.
As he looked at the once dark room, a full view of white began flashing in his own eyes.

He stood there, began recalling the happy memories.
He closed his eyes and inhaled and exhaled again.
A buzz was felt from his pocket.
He quickly took his phone and read what the message says...
'Success isn't finished yet... But to live normally for a while...
You need to reset.'

To be continued.

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