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I dry off in the shower and change into a small, comfy shirt and some Adidas shorts. I walk into 'my' room to find Taehyung sitting on his futon with earphones in. I sit down on mine.
"The bathroom is free if you want to use the shower," I suggest.
"I already had one before it's okay." He says still listening to his music.
I reach over to my notebooks and attempt at my homework again. I can feel Taehyung staring at me, I start having a mind blank, I must look desperately stupid. He leans over and squints.
"Is that point thirty-three or eight?" He asks.
"Then you divide it by the given variable along with the other side and then substitute." He says.
"Oh, thanks," I say.
"Mian, my contacts weren't in." He lies back and goes back listening to music closing his eyes. Guess he has bad eyesight.
Is this what brothers are like? Hm, useful.
I go turn off the light switch and lie in my bed under the sheets.

I feel someone's faint breath on my face.
"It's morning." I hear a deep voice behind me.
I open up my eyes and turn to the side the voice is coming from, rubbing my eyes. I sit up beside him.

Taehyung's POV
"Isn't it a little early for school yet?" She says stretching her arms, it lifts her shirt up a little.
"It's only 6:00 am," I reply finally.
"Class starts at 7:45 am, plus the walk is only 10 minutes."
"I see."
I get up and go to the bathroom and start brushing my teeth, she follows me and does the same.
"Do you have a uniform yet?" She asks with the toothbrush in her mouth.
"Okay you get changed first then, I'll make an omelet."
I get changed and sit down at the table, eating across from her in silence. She pushes out her chair.
"When you're done meet me at the cafe entrance." She says after putting the plate in the sink then walking out with a bag on her shoulder.

Somi's POV (normal)
I go up to the counter and help myself to two coffees and wait outside.
"Here I say passing a cup to him."
"Thank you."
We start walking to school.
"I thought I'd show you around before school starts, you did wake me up early after all." I smile.
"Sounds good, thank you." He grins.

"Somi! How has the term been for you so far?" Miss Yoon asks me.
"Well thank you^," I say bowing.
" That's wonderful!" Miss Yoon is one of the younger teachers and she has massive breasts which is all the guys and girls stare at in class.
"Oh by the way this is Kim Taehyung, he's new, I was just showing him around."
"I see, welcome~- but Somi you need to go and select your club asap!"
"Okay I-"
"I'll show Taehyung around while you go look at the list."
"Uh Miss, can I join the same club as her?" Taehyung asks.
"Yes of course! Somi you didn't mention he's your boyfriend..."
"No just a new friend." I smile.
"Oh I see, well I'll make sure your in the same one Taehyung^."
They walk off and I head towards the notice board, let's see...
1. Drawing club
2. Soccer club
3. Drama club
4. Magazine club
5. Chemistry club
6. Drumming club
7. Culture club
8. Enviromental club
9. Basketball club
10. Badminton club
So many options... But most of them I'm not interested in anyway. I should choose something Taehyung will atleast take part in. Maybe soccer or basketball? I don't think I could handle soccer but I've played netball before I guess...
Who am I kidding? I can't play a sport.
"Soojung." I turn around.
"Where were you last night? Uncles?"
"Yeah, sorry I didn't say anything, I wasn't really planning on staying there in the first place but one thing lead to another." I say guiltily.
"Oh it's fine Somi-unnie. So are you picking a club?"
"Have you decided?"
"Basketball I think, I don't really know."
"B-ball?! That's wonderful, you should do it."
"Yeah but I'd suck."
"You should try it at least, I'm surprised you even picked a sports club."
"Yeah that's what I thought...-"
"Anyway we should start heading to our classes, I'll see you at home this time?" She says smiling.
"Mhm~" I smile back.

I sit down in my seat and the Taehyung walks into my class.
"This is Kim Taehyung he is a new student here, please welcome him." The teacher announces while waving him to go sit down in the empty seat beside me.
"Tae, since when are you in my class?"
"I asked that lady with the rack." He says sitting down.
"You wish." We grin.
"Okay listen up class, it's been decided by the school board that a basic english exam will be distributed this term." Our teacher bellows.
"Whaaaat?!" Most of the students moan.
I'm lucky I guess, I can speak english quite well but another exam is going to be annoying nonetheless.
"Can you speak english?" I turn to Taehyung.
"Not quite as well as I'd like to" He replies.
Class is dismissed and it's a free period which can also translate to club period.
"So what club did you end up choosing?" He asks.
"You can play?" He sounds kind of surprised.
He doesn't say anything and we arrive at the courts. A bunch of guys walk up to us.
"Oooo a girl!" Two of them say.
"This isn't really a club for couples." One of them says more coldly.
"We aren't a couple, and it's nice to meet you too, I'm Somi." I say the last bit a little too sarcasticly.
"So who's the rejected guy then?" The captain asks.
"Taehyung." He says blankly.
"You're quite tall, we could really use a good shooter."
"So you play?" The cold guy says more cheerfully, what brightened his day?
"Well-" I start.
"She has no idea what she's doing." Taehyung cuts me off.

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