
30 8 4

Around and around my mind
goes, as flashbacks run to and
fro. Tears make their way out

of my eyes and run down my
cheeks. But I don't wipe them
away and this is all because of
a bunch of hoes.

They made a fool out of me.
Calling me fat. Even when my
mom told me I wasn't

I hated them, with their flat
asses and long blonde hair, I couldn't blame them. That's just
the way they were  born & I
could say the same.

I slowly gave into my demons
of the night, my tears became
even more & my body began
to shake. But mamma wasn't
there to hold me close & make
me feel safe.

I gripped my dark hair as I
continued to cry & then all of
a sudden I realised. There is
most definitely an 'I ' in team
& then loudly, I began to




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