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Pic of Jayson, Brian, Joshen, Shine and Brielle


Alex (@19 y/o)

  Four years since I first shifted, and I found out about my ancestry. And four years since I found out Zab is my mate. Since then, I've been extra protective of her. And I had extra control over my lycan too, since he wanted to mark and mate her.

  I still don't know how she'll react once she shifted and found out that I was her mate all along. What will our parents say? Our pack? The coven? And the kingdom.

  I've been stressing about it for a long time. Especially other boys everywhere adore her, and worships the ground that she walks in.

  She's very popular in school, every guy likes her, every girl wanted to be her. And since I already graduated high school, I can't be around her like when I was still a student. Got any idea how hard that was?!

  Anyway, Zab's birthday is in two days. She and mom are quite busy planning her party. She's very excited. She and her friends are getting giddy as to who will her mate be.

  I don't like it a bit that she's taking a liking on some unmated alphas. It infuriated me and my lycan. I am furious every time she talks about them. I know mom suspected something. How can she not? She's the queen, and our mom. Mothers know everything.


  Since I'm loosing my cool with all the party planning, I went out for a run in lycan form.

  It didn't help that I have been feeling off lately. I've been feeling it since I turned 18. Lady Amara said that it might be because of my nephilim side. And it intensified whenever I'm near my mate.

  So I spent several hours in the forest.


  When I went back in the castle, I saw Zab with Joshen, Shine, Brian, Jason and Brielle.

  Once Zab saw me, she approached me with her hands in her hips.

"Where were you?!" She asked.

"I went on a run." I answered nonchalantly.

"A run?! My party is in 2 days! Why can't you just help with the preparations?! Everyone else is excited!" She whined.

  I felt annoyed at her at this moment. Not helping the pain in my back with her constant whining.

"Are you even listening?! What's wrong with you Alex?! " she hissed.

"Well clearly not everyone is excited with your stupid party!" I snapped at her.

  She stared at me, probably surprised with my sudden outburst.


  I can still feel the rage slowly boiling inside of me.

"For fuck sake Zabrina! Stop whining like a kid! You are fucking irritating!!" I growled.


  Dad growled and walked towards us looking deadly as ever.

"Calm down son." He said when he stood right in front of me.

  I took several calming breaths, trying to calm me. I noticed Zab, tears begun to pool around her eyes.
  She turned around and left. I also noticed Joshen and the others looking at us. The girls stood up and followed her.

  I closed my eyes and mentally kick myself. I yelled at her. I hurt her. I felt dad grabbed both of my shoulders.

"Alex, you need to calm down. Why don't you take a shower and rest. Let her be for now." Dad said.

  I nodded and went upstairs to my room.



  After I left Alex, I went to my room. A minute later the girls followed.
  I can't believe he would just snap at me like that. Alex was always the soft spoken boy I ever met. He's my brother and my best friend. I'm really shocked he would do that.

"Are you okay Zab?" Shine asked.

  I shook my head and sat in the edge of my bed. A soft sob escaped my lips. I was hurt.

  Shine and Brielle sat in my each side and begun to comfort me.

"Alex didn't mean any of the words he said. Maybe he's just stressed or something." Brielle said.

"Brielle's right. He could be stressed or pissed with someone else. You know the council makes him train more than the rest of us. He didn't mean to upset you." Shine added.

"I'm just hurt. This is the first time he snapped at me like that. I swear I felt scared at that moment." I sniffled

"I just noticed, since his birthday last year, he became a lot moody than a pregnant she wolf. One minute he's sweet to you, the next he's snapping at everyone." Brielle said.

  Shine and I looked at her.

"You know you're right. I noticed that one too. His aura became stronger." Shine paused.

"Let Alex deal with his issues. Anyway, you're turning 16 in two days! You're gonna meet your mate!!" She added, cheerfully.

  The idea of finding my mate suddenly made me feel sad. I don't know but, I thought of Alex a lot lately. For some reason, I've became like a clingy girlfriend to him. I want to be always around him, and it pisses me off when she wolves flaunt themselves at him.

  Maybe that's the reason he's annoyed and irritated with me. I became so clingy that he can't even do other things, date other girls or find his mate.

  The idea of Alex with other girl and finding his mate, hurts me big time. What the hell is this feeling?!


  Now Zab is feeling something. Though I feel bad because Alex would snap at her like that. What do you think will happen next?

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