Chapter 1: January 27, 2014

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*buzz buzz*

I leaned over to grab my phone to see what had made it go off, when I turned on the screen my status bar showed I had a new snapchat. I entered in my lock pattern and opened up the app. Ryan... oh god. “Guess who," I said to my best friend Emily as I I handed her my phone so she could she. “Are you going to open it," she asked, handing my phone back to me. I looked at his name on my screen. “I don't know" I answered, “should I?" “He is pretty freaking hot" Emily said. “Yeah, he is," I replied. I touched his name on the screen and held it. The long, shaggy, light brown hair and bright blue eyes that I had fallen for just 8 months before were displayed on my screen. ‘Hello Katherine' was all the caption said.

“Just answer him! You know you want to," Emily said. She was right, I did want to. So I took a picture and captioned it with a simple ‘hey.' Sent. A minute later I got a reply.

‘whats up?'

I answered back, ‘not much, what about you?'

‘just hanging out with some friends' he replied.

Before I could send a reply another snap came in.

‘Are you going to the game here tonight?'

Ryan lived one town over from me, only about 15 or 20 minutes away. And our team was playing a basketball tournament there that night.

‘No, I'm not' I answered back.

‘Someday, we will meet' he replied.

Ryan and I had talked a lot the past summer; we had talked practically every day. Ryan was going to be a Senior and I was going to be a Freshman that fall when school started again. We kept talking to each other through Facebook, text, snapchat, and all things social media. I fell hard for the boy; he was an older boy who actually talked to me, he flirted with me, and I thought he liked me. He had even asked me on a date! That was about 5 months ago... that's when all at once he just stopped; he stopped texting, snapping, and everything. It didn't take me long to to figure out why. He had gotten a girlfriend; she was the same age as him and they went to the same school... He had dropped me like I had meant absolutely nothing to him.

But now it was mid January and Ryan and his girlfriend had broken up just a week ago. And now he was back talking to me again. I didn't know how to feel about any of this; should I feel used or happy that we're talking again.

‘I look forward to that day' I sent.

‘As do I' he answered back.

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