Chapter 3- Bullets, Boys, and Business

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       The door to my house flings open before I even have the chance to put the key in the slot. My dad, Kayden, beams at me with his megawatt winning smile and I can’t help but think that the school somehow forgot to call him about my skipped class. I know that there’s no chance in hell that he’d be smiling at me like that if he’d known I missed a class. The sound of laughter from inside confuses me slightly because I know Blake’s laugh and that’s not it. Kayden steps aside letting me into my home, I drop my bag as routine would have it by the door and head into the living room. Nothing could have prepared me for the sight that was waiting for me. Jericho’s nervous laughter seems extremely out of place while Blake just glares at him from his seat across the room.

                “I don’t like you kid,” Blake calmly tells him as he strokes his side but only I know that that’s where he hides his gun.

                “Duly noted,” Jericho points to his head to make a point. I’m just watching to see how good this can get.

                “Is it duly noted, kid?” my dad’s resorted to his mind games. The slight giggle that bursts from my lips brings their attention to me.

                “Hey Avery, tell your dad that we’re friends,” Jericho jumps up and comes to stand by my side. I raise an eyebrow at him before laughing hysterically.

                “Daddy, I don’t know this dude,” I go to the side of my dad’s chair.

                “That’s all I needed to know,” Jericho’s eyes bug out of his head as Blake jumps up from his seat and grabs the gun he had on his side.

                “Wait, she’s lying, we go to school together,” Jericho raises his hands in surrender. The bad boy looks like he’s about to pee his pants, ha, ha. I wish I hadn’t let my phone in my bag this would’ve been a great video to be leaked online.  

                “Are you calling my little girl a liar?” Blake hardens his voice, oh, I do love my father. He always manages to come through for me. I just want to see how far this can go, I don’t think my dad would really shoot him. Although, there was that one kind that kept messing with me in middle school, all it took was one talk with Blake and he was never seen again. Kids on Halloween fear coming up to our doorstep saving leaving me to be hyper for the next month as I eat all the unused candy.  

                “Yes, no, I, maybe she just forgot who I am but we have that one project I need confirmation on,” Jericho gives me a pointed look, his brown eyes conveying a message to me. My eyes widen in realization, the idiot couldn’t wait until school tomorrow to hear my answer.

                “Oh, that project, yes, we should go talk about that,” I nod as I move closer to Jericho. We turn our backs on Blake’s figure as he was holding the gun.

                “Wait, what the hell kind of project are you working on that you couldn’t even remember what it was?” Blake asks skeptically from behind. I turn around to see him taking his seat once again, he places the gun on the table beside him and I know this move. This is Jericho’s warning to let him know that one wrong move can cost him a kneecap. One bad word and he’s at risk on never reproducing.

                “A school project,” I answer vaguely before resuming my steps towards the front door. There’s no way in hell I’d let Jericho into my room. The farther I can keep him from my personal life the better.

                “You’re not going anywhere Avery, you’re, you’re grounded,” Blake screams at my retreating back. He can be so childish when things don’t go his way. I can just imagine the slight pout jutting his bottom lip outwards.  

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