You were babysitting your Friends kids.
Jasmine: 6yrs old
Max: 4yrs old
Lilly: 10 months
You were holding Lilly in your arms as she cried. "Harry, can you please hold her?" You pout. He smiled and Held her to his chest. She stopped crying.
You huffed an walked over too Max and jasmine. They were sitting on the stairs with their toys. "Hi kids! How are you doing? Do you need anything?" You asked.
"No thanks," max said.
"No thank you! Were good," jasmine said.
It was time too feed Lilly. You took her from Harry's arms. He smiled and walked over too the kids. You got out her bottle and sat down with her in her lap.
You placed the bottle in her mouth, She held onto it with her tiny hands. Her eyes slowly closing, as she got sleepier.
She was adorable all the kids have been amazing today making you want some of your own.
Then Lillie's eyes shot open, as her milk was running out. You took the bottle away from her. Her sat her up and burped her. Patting her back gently she made the smallest burp possible making you giggle.
You heard Harry and the kids running around and laughing. He would be a great dad.
You looked at Lilly, "are you sleepy baby?" You asked.
She looked around.
"you're so cute!" You exclaimed kissing her cheek.
You shook her gently and lifted her up and down.
She laughed, you did it again.
She was laughing still. It was so cute.
"Who's cute?" You asked.
"You," Harry said you turned around and he was leaned against the wall.
You blushed.
" your mommy is coming soon! Gets some sleep," you told Lilly although she can't understand most likely.
"I'll put her too sleep," Harry said .
"You sure," you Asked. He nod his head and held her.
"Bye, drive safe." You said,
"Bye y/n!" jasmine said. "Bye Harry!"
"Bye Y/N!!" Max said. He gave Harry a hug and Harry hugged back. "Bye kiddo," He smiled.
"Aww, thanks guys," my friend said. You smiled. "No problem!"
When you closed the door, You hugged Harry. "Your so good with Kids!"
"Really? Thanks, so are you." He smirked.
"I want kids," you pout but then realize what you just said.
"Let's make some," He winked.
"What do y-" your voice trailed off.
He picked you up bridal style and took you upstairs you felt yourself turn red, from blushing.