Embrace Me

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                Earth, and its inhabitants have devoted more than half their lives to the cause of enhancing the human race in some unimaginable way. Science above all has become more important than most studies in its dominance to improve what does not need to be fixed, or otherwise upgraded.

  Humanity has always been based on the ideals of survival and the necessities in order to stay alive. When combining the thought of animalistic instincts, and human beings’ skills to intellectually adapt, professionals had more than enough experiments to conduct in order to properly produce a specimen that could independently survive in more than one form; formally introducing a new species into existence.

       When trying to morph humans with animalistic breeds, the results were endless. Any possible success was eliminated when the new specimen could no longer undergo the physical changes and eventually either died off, or was intentionally terminated. Scientists had understandably given up until their last trial gave new hope to all. The genetic reactants of human DNA chemically exchanged with wolf blood was an unlikely conclusion. When the new substance was injected into a physically healthy human, a shift began to take place. This process was painful, unbearable, and until countless attempts had been made was uncomfortable until familiarity was gained.

       This hybrid race was kept secret from everyone but a select group of genetic specialist, who till this day have yet to come clean about the events that took place during this trial which has otherwise been named as Test Run 01214. The new breed has been labeled as shape shifters, and can not only live normally in human form, but change into a wolf form and take on the instinctual abilities that come with the need to survive. Both male and female specimens have been tested beyond belief, tortured beyond emotional repair, and physically checked to the point of perfection.

      When being examined it had occurred to the select group of scientist, that they were also given special abilities through this transition, and the discovery was astounding. After being created in a test tube, cells differentiated themselves from each other, the blood becoming two different types. In this revelation, it also created two different beings, which would later on appear as dyer to reproduction. When two people were injected with the same vile of differentiated blood, a bond was formed that would someday make itself known. The two beings made were futuristically planned to be one another’s other half, resulting in the term mate. One male, and one female were ultimately destined to be together purely based on the scientific production in a glass tube.

         When mates met each other for the first time, the bond was permanently set into stone unless otherwise broken by one of the two counterparts. The sole purpose of this connection was for further reproduction, and made sure that no one specimen was ever left alone, intended or not. By recollection and interviewing, the feelings enforced when meeting your other half is unimaginable, and the love that is quickly surfaced can never be undone. Two specific beings were fatefully meant to be together, and if not paid close attention to, could forever damage the other.

     After Test Run 01214 was successfully deemed as fit for reality, the small group was sent out into miniscule areas of land in southern regions of the United States to be further kept under surveillance. But after the government withdrew their funding, the project was slowly forgotten, yet shape shifters still exist today; divided into packs, led by an Alpha and the Alpha Female. This process has been passed down through continuous blood lines, and respectable upkeep.

                It is not until now, fifty years after the trial, that the select group of genetic specialist bloodlines decided to dig up information dealing with the case, and reopen further development on what can be done.

         The only problem?

          The shape shifters are more than willing to put up a fight this time around.

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