Taoist Frequencies

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"A well-frog cannot imagine the ocean, nor can a summer insect conceive of ice. How then can a scholar understand the Tao? He is restricted by his own learning."


The Tao is a simplistic way of life and learning. The romantic side of the bilaterality. The season change I feel yet coming, and the promise invigorating. It's hard to remember the things Shiva told me, and it's difficult remembering the things she thought. Could I have been wrong this whole time? Has she been singing with another crowd I hadn't known until now? None is inferior, just a happening of one's own thinking. This is my ultimate. Being one of her last currently mortal connections, I strive to bring her to life, even if he is death, any way I can. My shade of blue starts to infiltrate the stream that is my thoughts. All of my feelings are going to one place and I can't feel the need to spread them all over, which is ornate I believe.

Some influences such as wabi-sabi come into play and such others around the same time span. Things are meant to be perfect in their own right, not contrived nor perempt to act in any way possible.

This morning my Other was particularly prevalent as I passed the controls over to her. I am not sure if the shield I've put up for Incevidy and I has had any effect on me, and I'd imagine it would have. The only botheration being my frequencies.... Ironically the only things I hold near and dear because they affect my whole Being. Inconsistencies begin to arise, erratic and unpredictable. Wasn't this shield supposed to succor, not obstruct? Aid and abet, rather than deter my privy frequencies? After all it's what I am most contrived. The variance disturbs me, as I strive to be my true around my life-in lover. I feel just at the time being, as we seem to be surpassing the freezing of our world, (it's necessary!) we need desperately for our microcosm to be be renewed. We can only go off of where we are. Stay in the Now.

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