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"Happy birthday Kairi, my love! I have plans for us tonight!" I loved her, but I couldn't but groan at her voice.

My best friend Natasha busts through the door of my office, though technically, it's not really my office. Technically, it belongs to my brother's mate and Luna, but since he has yet to find her, I've been the acting Luna for the Willowhaven pack. It was tough balancing high school and my Luna duties, but once I settled into the additional role, I was able to establish a routine. I was able to finish high school early with extra credits this past December and now five months later, I've been able to attack my online college courses part time and my duties with gusto. But in the eyes of my best friend, none of that is as important as my eighteenth birthday.

I laugh at her excitement and outburst as she sinks into the buttery soft leather couch in the office. "You come here celebrating my birthday empty handed? Where's my cupcake? Where's my present?" I joke as I file away some last minute paperwork that came through my email. I start to open the mail that was piled at the corner of the desk. Sorting through what was junk mail and what was important.

"You know me. I'm never empty handed. Your present is already in your room and you'll get your cupcake before we go out tonight. We're going to FANG, and you can't say no, because your brother said you're going."

I roll my eyes at her declaration. She's been trying to get me to go to FANG, my brother's in town club that is exclusive to only werewolves. FANG is one of his largest sources of income that he also used most of the proceeds to fund programs for the pack. It is the only werewolf club of its caliber and is widely popular with other packs since it is considered neutral ground. Anyone caught fighting or settling pack business during operation would not only get a harsh reprimand from my brother, but then their personal alpha would then get involved.

My brother is one of the youngest alphas in North America, and yet, he seems to carry the most respect among the other alphas. I am so proud of what he's had to accomplish in the four years he's been an alpha.

"I thought Julien was coming back sometime today?" I am clinging to anything that could get me out of going to the club tonight. Clubbing just wasn't and would never be my thing. Outside of the night of the grand opening, I haven't stepped into FANG for the purpose of partying. I don't consider going there to help with inventory when the club was closed as something that should count. For argument's sake, at least.

My hope is that Natasha would be so enamored with the return of her boyfriend and my brother's Beta, Julien, that she won't want to go out tonight at all. It would mean that she forgot about celebrating my birthday, but for my sanity, I was willing to make that sacrifice. For their love of course.

"Fat chance, I know what you're doing, and it's not going to work!" Natasha jumps up from the couch and comes around the desk. She bends over so that her face is level with mine and places her hands on the armrests of my chair. "Julien is going tonight as well, your brother will obviously be there, along with most of the pack. We just want to ring in your birthday special for the girl who helped Alpha keep this pack together. Are you really going to spoil the love that everyone has for you by not showing up."

I hate that she is playing towards my guilt. She is right though, I'd feel like a little brat knowing that people wanted to show their appreciation and I didn't show up because of the location. Maybe I could get away with showing up and leaving after an hour; that way, everyone would be happy and I could hurry home and curl up in some pajamas and watch a movie. I sigh at the plan I form in my head and can only pray that I can pull it off.

"Fine, I'll be there with a smile on my face. But can we please not talk about it anymore?" Tasha looks satisfied that I won't fight her on my attendance to my own party and backs up from my desk. I return to opening the mail and I groan at the invitation that's in my hand.

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