The Angel in the Snow (In Progress)

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As the weeks went on Grace and I quickly became best friends and we were pretty much inseparable. We literally did everything together: play with Lucas and Ryan, sit together in class, play outside everyday after school, play Xbox together, you name it we did it.

Even though I yearned deep down to go barefoot like she did all the time, I slowly but surely began to accept that that was just the way things were. Besides it was winter and my feet would freeze. I was kinda jealous that she could handle the cold though.

Soon enough it was the last day of school before we broke up for the Christmas holidays. We all said our goodbyes for the year and went home.

The next couple of days passed by without much happening. But then one Saturday it was snowing really heavily. It had laid on the ground pretty thick. I got on my jumper, jogging bottoms, my thickest socks, wholly hat, scarf, coat, gloves and wellie boots and was straight down to the local playing field where all the kids were.

As soon as I saw Grace there I was immediately stunned. She looked like an angel with her short pink flowery summer dress and dainty bare feet. Despite it being freezing she didn't look cold in the slightest. "Woah so you really can handle the cold" I said to her feeling jealous. "Yeah" she smiled "feel my arm." I took my glove off and felt it, she was unusually warm. "Oh my god you're freezing" she laughed. We spent the rest of the day with the other kids making snowmen (and snowwomen) having snowball wars and making snow angels. It was the most magical day of my entire life. I would never ever forget it.


I excitedly counted down each day to Christmas, eating chocolates from my Spongebob Squarepants advent calendar and spending everyday with Grace, Lucas and Ryan.

"What have you asked Father Christmas for this year?" I asked them all. "I wanna a new Scalextrics set cos my old one broke and some Xbox games." "I asked for some Xbox games too" said Lucas. "Me too" said Ryan. "How about you Grace?" I asked her. "Me? I asked for some new dresses, some Xbox games and some lego sets" she smiled. "Cool" I smiled back.

We continued spending time with each other everyday during Christmas watching cartoons, playing Xbox and having fun outside.

Then the big day arrived: Christmas Eve.

Me and Grace played some Lego Batman round mine on the Xbox for a few hours then we went outside to play in the snow with Lucas, Ryan and George.

Her bare foot prints looked so cute next to our shod ones.

We decided to make the biggest snowman we could. We rolled up a snowball so big it was almost half our size and we ended up having to push it. Then we made another snowball that was half as big as that for the head. I then got some coal and a carrot for the mouth, eyes and nose. Grace then got her grandads old flat cap to put on its head. "They we go" I said "let's call him banana face" I said jokingly. We all laughed and laughed til our sides hurt.

We had some more snowball fights as the hours passed and it started to get dark. We said our Merry Christmas's and all went home.

I was so excited that night I could hardly sleep.


I woke up at 6:45 Christmas morning so excited to open my presents. Before George and I could open them though we had to wait for my mum and dad to give the ok.

Me and George played some Xbox while we waited.

(Author's Note: Hey guys thanks for sticking around. Unfortunately I've hit a bit of the old writer's block with this at the moment, so I'm gonna take a break from this and hopefully some inspiration comes my way cos I really do want to finish this as I'm sure you all want me to. Thanks for your understanding and patience. I appreciate it.)

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