Chapter 6

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The next day Jason woke me up. I was confused, since typically we didn't wake up early for any gang mission or activity. But we left and went to a shooting range the Vanoss Crew owned that was away from the city.

We unloaded the cars and I grabbed a simple little pistol. I was used to my sniper rifle, but Vanoss took that the first time we met, along with my watch and phone. I need to get those back soon. Although, I'll probably ask Nogla or someone else who doesn't hate me.

As everyone else gathered the guns they wanted, a familiar tan truck pulled up. Panda, Sark, and Nanners got out. They each waved at me, and I excitedly waved back. I was happy to see people that I knew well other than Jason. These guys were also close friends of mine that I knew since I was little.

They came over, carrying their guns with them. They began to introduce themselves to The Vanoss Crew, and The Vanoss Crew also went down the line and introduced themselves. They immediately began to converse as if they were all best friends. It was a good thing they could get along so easily, since we are working together for the time being.

I casually strolled away from the crowd that flocked around the main target area. I wanted a quiet place to myself. I continued up a little dirt path until I found an older and more run down area. I decided this was a good place, so I set the ammunition down on a nearby bench and began to load my gun.

Before I could shoot the target, a gun went off fairly close to me. I turned to my right and saw Vanoss a few feet away. I have no clue how I didn't see him earlier, but it didn't matter. He stared back at me silently, and I debated if I should lower my gun or not. It was just me and him, alone. He wouldn't have any problem killing me and burying me right here and now.

Despite all that, he turned his head and ignored me from that point on. I felt relieved he didn't harm me, so I did him a favor and shot my target in silence.

After a while he collected his ammo and turned to leave. He stopped behind me before he left.

"Nice shooting," he mumbled, which was just barely audible. He left, and that was the last time I saw him until we went to leave the shooting range that evening.

When we got back to the apartment, we were all starving. We brought little snacks with us to the shooting range, but Nogla ate most of them before everyone else could eat them. Nogla decided he would make up for it and cook a big dinner for us. He told us to be patient and wait a bit, so I decided to wait in my room.

I laid on the bed, debating if I should take a nap or not. I had changed out of the clothes I had on at the shooting range, and I was now in a (f/c) tank top and some black sweatpants. I was about to doze off when there was a knock on my door.

"Come in," I spoke. The door opened to reveal Wildcat. He had my watch, my phone, and the chargers for them, but he didn't have my rifle.

"Here," he awkwardly muttered as he walked over and he gave me my things.

"Thank you for bringing these to me. I thought I would never get them back," I said as I put my watch back on my wrist.

"Don't thank me, thank Vanoss," he replied.

"Vanoss?" I asked as if I didn't know who Vanoss was.

"He told me to take them to you," he said before he turned to leave the room. He stopped at the door and turned back.

"Uh, he also said he's sorry for hurting you," he mumbled. I rubbed my neck when he said that. The pain was still there, but it wasn't excruciating. I'm positive there was nothing broken, but that still didn't erase the pain.

"Tell him I accept his apology," I sheepishly muttered. He nodded and left, and I sat in silence once more. I reflected on what Wildcat said to me.

"He told me to take them to you..."

Hm, so Vanoss told Wildcat to give me my things. I wonder if he was being a pussy and he didn't want to see me. Or maybe he just hated me and didn't want to look at me. Whatever the reason, he doesn't want to see me or talk to me and he isn't scared to let me know about it either. He's just a coward in my eyes.

But I can't help but wonder why he thinks I'm out to get him after he hurt me. I don't trust him, and after this alliance I'm going to pretend I don't know who Vanoss is. But I wouldn't say that I'm out to hurt him for what he did. I guess only time may tell if he'll forget it and move on or not.



Hey, I just wanted to apologize for the lack of updating. My birthday was the fifteenth and so I was really busy all that week. And also throw school into the mix, it was a crazy week. But don't fret, regular updates are back :D

And I also have another VanossxReader planned for the near future, but you'll have to wait for this one to finish. Sorry, I don't like writing multiple stories at once.

Anyways, thank you for the votes and also the comments telling me you love the story.

Goodbye, until the next update!

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