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The year was 2017 and the time had come for humanity's end. Nature had decided to strike back against the smoke and skyscrapers.

And so, it was decided that water would be a good end.

Atlantis was nothing against The Great Flood. It consumed everything in its wake. From buildings to people to mountains. Countries fell. Civilizations, races, continents had fell. Till all that was left was room to grow.

Some, that had survived, had said it was God who had punished humanity for their sins. Some had said that it was a sign for a new beginning.

Humanity was at a close end.

But, when the sicknesses began, all theories had an abrupt stop.

They called it The Reckoning Virus.

It was unlike anything humanity had seen. Even The Great Flood could not beat it.

It took everyone in their sleep, out of the blue. Hundreds upon thousands of survivors had died.

There was no cure.

Until only three civilizations had survived.

The country that was once known as Egypt, now known as The Dessert. The Dessert's citizens soon fell after they got overtook by their own greed. A war broke out among them and soon, they too were no more.

The second place was Antarctica. Antarctica had turned into a refugee camp soon after The Reckoning Virus hit.

It was found that cold killed the virus and soon hundreds of survivors travelled long distances to get there. Most had died on the journey there, others who had made it soon found themselves in weather conditions that were so harsh most died of hypothermia.

Needless to say, Antarctica soon fell.

But, the third civilization, survived. This was known as The Sectors.

The Sectors survived because of only one thing: The Architect.

No one really knew much about The Architect. But, they all knew that he was their saviour.

The Architect had shown up right when humanity had lost hope. He led them to a place that was once known as New York City. What was left of the once great city was nothing but ashes. But, The Architect showed them the way to surviving and they soon picked up the pieces and began what was known as The Sectors.

There were Seven Sectors. Each with their own line of manufacturing.

And soon each of these survivors had found something to live for.

Until, The Architect started taking a nineteen year old from every sector, claiming to be taking them to their destinies.

And once these nineteen year olds were taken they were never to be seen again.

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