Project N.O.V.A.

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Adara POV

My eyes opened slowly, as if I woke up from the worlds worst nightmare. My body was a bit sluggish to move but I managed to move my head. There were flames everywhere, but they turned into smoke quickly. Tyler helped me up but my strength returned quickly and I stood on my own.

"What? Did I do this?" Everyone shifted awkwardly, which confirmed my horrible thought. I hugged Tyler tightly. It just feels like I'm hurting him more and more these days. Every time I battle or use my powers it effects him in some way. It just feels like he's getting tired of it. "I thought I killed you." He laughed slightly and pulled away from my hug.

"It's not the first time your fire caught me by surprise." I smiled and he grinned as well. As we were walking I kept an eye on Niki. I grabbed Niki's arm and pulled her away from everyone. The four of them noticed as Tyler and everyone else kept walking. I covered her mouth then pinned her to a tree. As soon as Tyler disappeared I let her go.

"Niki explain." She started walking away but I made a flaming wall surrounding us to keep her still. She went quiet again with a tired expression. My hair sparked again as the anger rose, how can she keep this secret when it's killing people?! "Keeping secrets killed people Niki! You want to kill others?!" She flinched, then covered her face.

"Niki please, if you know anymore say something," Naomi pleaded, trying to be the voice of reason. She turned away from us. Her ears going down as she whimpered.


"FINE!! At a young age you were recruited as elementals, programmed to work for the government." We were startled by her answer. My flames instantly turned off as I took in the new information. "I was assigned to keep an eye on you all, keeping you from remembering was my only mission at the moment,"

"Government?" Pam said.

"What does the government have to do with anything?" Shawn asked.

"Wait, those things were sent by the government?" Jazz asked.

"Yes but I was too afraid of saying something. This entire thing with Adara, she was only using twenty percent of her power. Imagine fifty, or seventy five! She can level a whole god damn city by herself. All five of you can in just an hour. Destroy a country and sink it into the ocean, and there are more of you." I sat back against a tree in despair, perplexed about it all. The confusion started to build up again, the memories were there but not clear enough to comprehend.

"You mean..." I stuttered.

"It was your programmed training destroying everything. Your parents ordered me to never let you remember so you can forget what you have done when you were smaller. Adara's programming is especially dangerous since it can kill her. I've noticed its effect when she sleeps, when she's sleeping almost death like. She's not asleep, she's repairing her programming. Something she was trained to do and she doesn't wake up until it's finished. Now that he is coming after you all again, she's been subconsciously repairing and dusting it off so she doesn't die. Since she's a star there's so much she can do, she changed her name to forget everything. You all didn't because you had code names, she was hand picked. Her life and others are in danger if he gets his hands on her again. She doesn't stop until her objective is complete. No matter who it is, she's killed friends, family, royalty, anyone who was a threat to the organization. She doesn't remember since her mom ordered me to not say anything. She can't handle it, all five of you at the snap of someone's fingers can do things beyond inhuman. Kill all your friends, destroy this camp, kill your family." Pam started shaking as she broke down. Memories started coming in, I've killed cousins and friends. Then acted like nothing happened.

The Earth's Secret II: Light FireWhere stories live. Discover now