Welcome to Camp Alpha

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***psst this chapter is a bit long. There was a little bit of information put here, so you can skip forward a bit if you don't want to read that***

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I must have dosed off while riding, Tyler was shaking me awake. I sunk more into Tyler's chest instead.

"Hey we're here, and my arm is falling asleep." I groaned as I woke up. "Come on, stop being adorable." I smiled and sat up. We jumped off the bus and was in front of a giant forest. The fog was a bit less dense here but got thicker in the distance. There were four other busses unloading at the same time too. So everyone grouped together then split off into five groups. Alphas, Betas, Omegas, Seniors, and Newbies. Hakan was wandering over with the Newbies.

"If this is the first time you're here at Earth Camp and you have no training whatsoever please move to the Newbies group," Kris shouted. A lot of people moved towards the Newbie group, I started to shift my way there. "Except you Adara,"

"Oh that's right, nobody will know what to do with me," I said with a laugh, everyone also giggled slightly.

"Alright if this is your second year back head over to the Omega and Beta group, we know we had a large group last year." A lot of people shifted around again. "OK If you're leader or over twenty one head over to the Seniors group, everyone else I didn't mention just fall into my group ok?"

"Eww you're old!" A girl shouted in the Senior group making the entire place erupt into laughter.

"Any questions? It's a short hike to the camp grounds and everyone can find their own trail there. Each trail is different and there are five campgrounds for all five groups. See you guys at the end of summer and have a great time!" Everyone started walking, we went our separate ways. We went to the right trail as the Omega and Beta group went straight and the Seniors and Newbies went to the left. We got three new friends walking beside us too.

"Why are the Seniors and Newbies walking the same way?" I asked.

"Well the Seniors train the Newbies since they need all the help they can get," Ike explained. Then a girl smiled and walked next to me.

"So I don't understand the Newbie and Alpha's difference, I got my powers last year in the winter but my leader said to come here," the girl said. She had a blue bandana around her head with it pulled back her curly black hair into a puffball ponytail. She had dark skin and dark brown eyes that contrasted her grey pupils. Odd, I've never seen that before. Actually there's a lot of things I have never seen but with these people I might see a lot. She has on a white crop top with short shorts with sneakers and knee high socks. I love her outfit.

"It's really rare for a Newbie to come straight to the Alphas, only if the Seniors don't know how to work with your powers or if you already know combat with your weapon," Amethyst said quickly.

"Weapons." Everyone looked at her and smiled.

"Oh you already know how to use all your weapons, new water element?"

"Light element and yeah but I don't really remember when to be honest," I frowned slightly as everyone else looked at her in surprise.

"What's your name?" I asked

"I'm Pam since my real name is impossible to pronounce. You're Adara! Cool I never thought I would see you in person." Then we both looked at each other in confusion. Anthony darted forward towards Kris and started dragging her back here with Niki following in confusion.

"Where's your spot?" She showed on her forearm, a square.

"Um I'm confused," Vaneita said walking up to us.

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