1. Not So Warm Welcome?

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I'll keep the old chapter notes lol. They're cringy, but they show growth. Enjoy lol

Chapter 1 - Not So Warm Welcome?


A lamp was thrown across the room and it shattered as it hit the wall.

"Woah! Calm down!"

"Calm down?" She scoffed and dropped the bag of donuts she was holding. "Calm. Down?! Seriously?! Derrick you- you ASSHOLE!" Venom seeped through her words as she threw down another object, this time a vase was the victim to her anger, shattering into a million shards of black and white clay. "How could you?!" Her fierce glacier orbs met petrified hazel ones in a heated glare.

Derrick pulled the sheets up and wrapped them around his toned stomach and waist, getting up and making a weak attempt to reason with her, "Blaire baby please let me explain-"

"Oh, so you wanna try and give a slick excuse as to why you're in bed with that girl from the coffee shop downtown and completely naked? Really Derrick? I left to visit my best friend and I sure as hell did not fucking expect to see this bullshit."

She narrowed her eyes and if looks could kill, Derrick would definitely be a scorching corpse. He looked down ashamed and mumbled, " Well, babe um, you see, i well, um i just-"

She cut him off with a hand movement and ran a hand through her wavy black hair, making her striking blue orbs and their heated glare even more apparent. "Save it Roderick . I don't want to know. I'm gonna get my stuff. And do yourself a favor and get dressed so that you can try to save the little dignity that you have left."

She scowled and added,"If there was any to start with."

She turned around and grabbed her black and grey duffle bag from the closet and packed the clothing that she had left here at his place. She left the room, went downstairs gathered anything that was hers and of importance, then exited the front door, not caring that she how hard she'd slammed it.

Back inside the house, Derrick sat on the bed with his head in his hands and the girl from the coffee shop sat covering her chest with the sheet. She spoke, her British accent thick.

"Wow, if I'd known your girl was this nuts I'd never have had a fling with you," She ran a hand through her brunette locks and smirked.  She got up with the sheets wrapped around her and picked up her disgarded clothing. She got dressed and gave Derrick one last look and said, "Thanks for the somewhat lovely time but I must be going."

"Elizabeth, I'm sorry that you had to see this. I forgot she was going to be home tod-"

"Oh no, She- Blaire, was it?-made it amazing." She smirked." You're just bad in bed, really." She smiles mischeivously, and walks out the door, with Derrick left shell-shocked and with his jaw hanging open.

Idk if I should continue this what do you guys think?
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Over and Out,


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